Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse
Servi ba Feto Oecusse, Servi ba Feto Timor

24 July, 2009

Consolidated Suggestions and Recommendations on Closed-List/Packet System for the Suco Election on 9 October 2009

During a roundtable discussion with women partners, there were more than 30 participants representing networks (Rede Feto and FONGTIL) and NGOs including women’s NGOs, CBOs, political parties and UN agencies. Following the introduction of the Executive Director of FONGTIL on the approval of the Law on Community Leaders and the Way the will be Elected (suco election law), the discussion specifically focused on the closed-list or packet system of the election. Suggestions and recommendations made were:

1 To socialize and advocate information about the law and specifically the provision regarding the closed-list system to women’s wings of political parties.
2 Hold meetings with political leaders by using direct approaches e.g. meeting the leaders one by one, meeting the key leaders of political parties and groups as a team, etc.
3 Hold public meetings and discussions with women representatives in suco councils and the women in sucos and aldeias and encouraged them to be listed as candidates and ensure that they win the election.
4 Conduct an interview with current women suco representatives to know their views about the closed-list system, its implications to women’s participation, to know if they are still going to run and obtain their suggestions on how to ensure that women’s participation is increased or sustained.
5 Hold meetings with the media/journalists and encourage them to advocate gender issues and women’s representation in the suco councils.
6 Hold meetings with women parliamentarians (GMPTL) to review the important provisions of the suco law and their support to ensure women’s representation in the packets of candidates and win in the suco election.
7 To ensure that the lists of candidates in each packet in each suco includes women representatives before submission to CNE for approval.
8 Capacity building support or training for women candidates to build their confidence as candidates and future leaders, socialization of their roles and responsibilities as leaders and on gender and gender issues.
9 If possible, in the future all of the candidates have to submit their CVs to ensure they meet the required qualifications and competencies for election in the suco council.
10 Civil societies (international and national/local) need to review their roles and responsibilities to ensure women’s participation and in monitoring the electoral processes.
11 There is a need to work closely with CNE and STAE to make sure that rules and regulations prepared and approved promotes women’s empowerment and gender equality. Continued dissemination or socialization of the approved law through civic education activities, with focus on the women’s proactive participation in the

6 East Timor Women’s Networks Representations Attended the 44th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination

The 44th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women will take place from 20 July to 7 August 2009. During the session, the Committee will consider the state reports by Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Denmark, Guinea Bissau, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Japan, Liberia, Spain, Switzerland, Timor Leste, and Tuvalu.
More information can be found at:

In the mean Time, Members of 6 NGO representative has travel to New York to attend the purpose of the meeting.
The 44th Session on Timor Leste State Report will be conducting on the July 30th New York Times.
The State has submitted the First Initial CEDAW Report as an addition to the Common Core Document Report for several Treaty bodies in 2007.

Thursday, 30 July 2009
899th meeting
Timor-Leste, initial periodic report
10-10.30 a.m. 4 (continued) Introduction by the representative of the State
10.30 a.m.-1 p.m. 4 (continued) Questions by experts and dialogue with the
900th meeting
3-5 p.m. 4 (continued) Timor-Leste
5-6 p.m. 4 (continued) Working Group of the Whole
Friday, 31

The Committee also received an NGO Alternative reports including country-specific information
from NGOs. OHCHR posts these 2weeks in advance before the state party presented their reports. documents on its website, under the relevant CEDAW session.

we wish NGO Representative will able to share the Results of the Concluding Recommendation and its General Comment while their return in to the East Timor.

Members of NGO representative are as follows:
Head of the NGO Delegation Mrs. Laura Menezes Lopes as well as the CEDAW Alternative report Working groups - CARWG
Rede Feto Action Partner –and Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse Program Manager : Mrs.Sebastiana da Costa Pereira
Director of National FORUM NGO’s of Timor Lestev: Mrs.Dinorah Granadeiro
Director of Judicial System Monitoring Program JSMP ; Mr.Luis Sampaio
Formers Director REDE FETO 2004-2008 : Mrs.Ubalda Alves
Association of Mens against Violence Founder : Mr.Marito de Araujo

For more information on the State Delegation to the 44th session on CEDAW please refer to this link http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/docs/list/TimorLeste_list_cedaw44.pdf

23 July, 2009

New Featuring Coming up

Hi All
The Sekretariat Pleasent to Share with all of you the new featuring from our Blogsport a titled of
" Special thanks of the Month " this is a long the side of our blogs which our dedication to thanks several womens helped us in some special way and specially something is most important for us happen in the presents of the month.

We are pleasent to start with the JULY special thanks
and will cuntinue to wish share with all of you our best friends in the coming months
