Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse
Servi ba Feto Oecusse, Servi ba Feto Timor

29 September, 2011

Tribunál Distrital Dili hamonu pena suspensaun prizaun tinan ida ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstikaIha loron 26 fulan Setembru 2011,

Komunikadu ImprensaPeriode: Setembru 2011Edisaun: 29 Setembru, 2011 

Tribunál Distritál Dili hala’o audiénsia julgamentu hodi lee leitura desizaun ba kazu violénsia doméstika ho Nú. prosesu 62/C.ord/TDD/2011. Kazu ne’e komete husi kondenadu Sebastião dos Santos hasoru lezada OM iha Distritu Ermera, iha loron 06, Dezembru 2009.Julgamentu ho agenda lee leitura desizaun ne’e deriji husi Juiz singular Dra. Rosa Brandão (Juiza Internasional), husi parte Minístériu Públiku reprezenta husi Dra. Remizia de Fatima da Silva no husi parte defeza, reprezenta husi Dr. Denis Lacerda (Defensoria Públiku Internasionál), husi Eskritoriu Defensoria Públika. Diretór JSMP Luis de Oliveira Sampaio haktuir katak” mesmu pena ne’ebé mak hamonu ba arguidu seidauk adekuadu, maibé JSMP espera katak pena ne`ebé kondenadu hetan pelumenus bele eduka kondenadu hodi labele repete tan ninia hahalok ne`e iha futuru nomós sai ezemplu ba komunidade seluk, hodi kumpri provizaun Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika ne`ebé defini krime violénsia doméstika hanesan aktu krime ho natureza hanesan krime públiku. Iha audiénsia lee leitura desizaun ne`ebé mak lee husi juiza Rosa Brandão, hamonu pena fulan rua prizaun, maibé suspende ba tinan ida. Tuir tribunál nia avaliasaun ba prosesu tomak konklui katak kondenadu provadu komete krime ofensas korporais simples hasoru ninia kónjuje. Tribunál mós deklara katak kazu ne`ebé mak kondenadu komete, priense rekizitus ne`ebé mak define iha artigu 145 Kódigu Penál ne`ebé dehan katak se maka ofende ema seluk nia isin ka saúde sei hetan pena prizaun too tinan 3 ka multa. Faktus provadu sira ne`ebé deskobre durante audiénsia julgamento iha tribunál hatudu katak, iha loron 06 fulan Dezembru tinan 2009, kondenadu ne’ebé mak nu’udar lezada nia kaben, haksesuk malu ho lezada tanbá osan folin husi karau ida ne`ebé sei deve hela ba lezada, tanbá ne’e kondenadu buti ninia kakorok no riba nia ba rai, tanbá hahalok ne`e lezada hetan metan iha ninia kakorok no ninia liman. Bázeia ba monitorizasaun JSMP nota katak tribunál esplika ba kondenadu katak iha Timór Léste hahalok hanesan ne`e sempre akontese tanbá iha oportunidade, no iha tinan 2010 ita iha ona Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika, no husu ba kondenadu atu labele komete tan krime hanesan nomós krime seluk durante tempo suspensaun. tanbá Kuandu kondenadu repete tan sei kumpri pena ne`ebé mak tribunál hamonu ona ba nia durante fulan rua iha komarka. Atu hetan informasaun kle’an, favor kontaktu: Luis de Oliveria Sampaio

Diretór ezekutivu JSMP

Email: luis@jsmp.minihub.org

Landline: +670 3323883

10 June, 2011

Angelita Pires will announce the formation of a new political party, and her candidacy for the presidency, in the Timorese capital, Dili.

THE Timorese-born Australian woman acquitted last year of conspiring to murder East Timor's President, Jose Ramos-Horta, plans to stand for his job next year.
Today Angelita Pires will announce the formation of a new political party, and her candidacy for the presidency, in the Timorese capital, Dili.

After Dr Ramos-Horta was shot and seriously wounded in Dili in 2008 he accused Ms Pires of being implicated in attacks on himself and the Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmao.

Advertisement: Story continues below At the time she was the lover of the rebel leader Alfredo Reinado, who was shot dead at Dr Ramos-Horta's presidential compound on the outskirts of Dili.

Ms Pires strenuously denied any involvement in the attacks and was acquitted of charges in the Dili District Court.

The presidential election is likely to be fiercely contested and will happen at a critical time for East Timor, before the scheduled withdrawal of United Nations personnel. Dr Ramos-Horta will be the frontrunner if he decides to stand again.

Other possible candidates include Mari Alkatiri, the leader of Fretilin, the country's largest political party, and Taur Matan Ruak, the chief of the defence forces.

Ms Pires is likely to have strong support in East Timor's western mountains, where Reinado was a heroic figure among many young people.

Trained as a lawyer, she has been living in Darwin, where she grew up, for the past 12 months.
She is married to the Darwin barrister Jon Tippett.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/australian-acquitted-of-plot-to-kill-wants-timors-top-job-20110609-1fv13.html#ixzz1UogfZxs6

Provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code are an obstacle for victims of domestic violence

Press Release

Period: May 2011

Edition: 01 June 2011

Between 24-26 May 2011 JSMP conducted monitoring of trials taking place at the Oecusse District Court. During the three days of court monitoring JSMP observed that hearings were slightly delayed or were not in accordance with the court schedule. However all of the cases scheduled for trial were heard by the court.

According to the court schedule, 11 cases were scheduled for trial and one of these cases had two hearings to examine witness testimony. From these 11 cases, 8 cases involved crimes or were categorized as domestic violence or violence against a spouse.

The trial of the aforementioned cases were presided over by single judge Alvaro Freitas, SH, the prosecution was represented in turn by Jacinto Babo, SH and Afonso Lopes SH, and the Public Defender’s Unit was represented by Calisto Tout, SH and in one case legal representation was provided by a lawyer from F-FSO

JSMP praises the efforts of the district court, because in just three days the court was able to use the available time to hear 12 cases, which means that four cases were heard each day. JSMP praises the district court for demonstrating its productivity to ensure that court administration is functioning effectively and therefore responding to public expectations on justice.

Whilst monitoring cases involving domestic violence, JSMP noted that the majority of victims and witnesses who were summoned by the court to provide testimony exercised their right to remain silent and refused to testify against a member of their family, pursuant to Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

The Executive Director of JSMP stated that although he welcomes the policy of the judges to fulfill their obligations in accordance with Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code to provide an option to the parties at the outset of the trial, however the judge or the court did not explain the implications or impact of this provision if everyone chooses to remain silent and refuses to give testimony against a defendant who has allegedly committed a crime against them.

He explained further that JSMP fully understands that the Criminal Procedure Code does not oblige the honorable judges to do so, however in reality JSMP believes that there is a need for the court to explain the i
mplications of Article 125 of Criminal Procedure Code to victims and witnesses who are summoned by the court, especially victims in cases categorized as gender based violence.
According to Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code regarding refusal to give a disposition:

1. The persons below may refuse to give a deposition as witnesses:

a). progenitors, siblings, descendants, relatives up to the second degree, adopters, adoptees, and the spouse of the defendant, spouse is a party:

b). a person who has been married to the defendant or who cohabits, or has cohabited, with the latter in a relationship similar to that of spouses, in relation to facts that have occurred during marriage or cohabitation.

2. The authority competent to take the deposition shall, under penalty of nullity, advise the persons referred to in sub article 125.1 that they are allowed to refuse to give a deposition.

JSMP agrees that the court has the responsibility of announcing Article 125 before the trial begins, because otherwise the trial can be declared null and void, however JSMP encourages the honorable judges of the court to consider the current reality and explain the effects of the article to victims and witnesses so that justice can prevail. In addition, the court must also consider Article 118 of the Criminal Procedure Code on the general provisions that relate to victim testimony to establish the truth in cases that have been submitted to the judicial authorities.

Previously, in December 2009, JSMP and Fokupers launched a report on the provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code as part of the “16 day campaign to end violence against women.”

JSMP has noted on several occasions whilst conducting court monitoring that in the nearly all cases involving domestic violence the victim is the sole witness. Therefore, if the parties choose to remain silent or refuse to give testimony, how can the court reveal the facts and obtain sufficient evidence to uphold justice in the interests of the victim?

JSMP believes that most victims choose to remain silent or not to give testimony to the court, not because they have a clear understanding of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, but because psychologically they have been placed in a difficult position of testifying against a family member who has committed violence against them, or they can choose to remain silent. The provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code place witnesses in a very difficult position.

During the aforementioned three days of observation the Oecusse District Court conducted hearings in 11 cases involving ordinary crimes. 8 of these cases related to domestic violence, and 4 of these were cases involving women as the perpetrators of domestic violence. This shows the public that it is not always men who commit domestic violence, but women also have the capacity to do so. This also means that Law No. 7/2010 Against Domestic Violence which came into force in July 2010 is not only intended to punish men, but this law will also be applied against any person who commits domestic violence against a member of their family, including female perpetrators

JSMP hopes that in the future the courts can learn from these experiences and will try to interpret the provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code in a context that prioritizes the interests of justice rather than being bound by rules that have the potential to promote injustice for vulnerable groups in society.

For more information, please contact:

Luis de Oliveira Sampaio

Executive Director of JSMP

Email: luis@jsmp.minihub.org

Telephone: 3323883/7295795

23 May, 2011

Treinamento ba Grupu Mane Kontra Violensia ba dala II halao iha Suku Bobokase

Mane hamutuk 25 simu treinamentu husi CFEO kona ba Mane Hamenus Violensia Kontra Feto
Diskusaun sai buras liu tan wainhira tama iha eksplora ideas oinsa maneja hirus ba mane

Fasilitadores assisti grupu kiik halo diskusaun oinsa resolve attitude Violensia ba Mane

CFEO Halao Treinamentu Observasaun konkluzaun ba Lider ONG sira iha Distritu Oecusse

Treinadora husi CEDAW Working Group, Laura Pina depois remata treinamento partisipa iha Radio Talk Show

Grupu diskusaun kiik identifika no desenvolve planu akasaun hodi observa lalaok Rekomendasaun CEDAW tuir sira nia Visaun no Misaun

Partisipantes husi ONG 20 foto hamutuk hafoin remata treinamento durante loron 5

09 May, 2011

CFEO nia Komunikadu Imprensa Relasiona ho Aprovasaun Alterasaun Lei ba Eleisaun Parlamento Nasional

Hafoin lee tiha iha Buletim Monitorizasaun Parlamento fo sai husi Judisial System Monitoring Program ( JSMP ) edisaun Sigunda 9 2011, Titlu Parlamentu Aprova Alterasaun Lei ba Eleisaun Parlamentu Nasionál

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse (CFEO) konvoka kedas diskusaun espesial ida atu hare ba assuntu ne'e hodi debate iha diskusaun ho membrus feto sira iha base inklui grupu feto sira iha Partidu Politika.

CFEO ho ida ne'e hatoo rekomendasaun makaas no ijiji ba partidu Politika 26 ne'ebe oras ne'e dadauk rejisto ona iha Ministeriu Justica hodi bele adopta lalais alterasaun Lei ba eleisaun Parlamento Nasional nian hodi asegura involvemento feto iha lista apresentasaun kandidaturas ba eleisaun Parlamentar oin mai.

Hare mos ejijensia husi Plata Forma Aksaun 2007 husi Kongresso REDE FETO TIMOR LESTE nian hodi hasae kondisoens afirmativas ba numeru partisipasaun vida feto iha politika hodi nune CFEO mos urjentemente ijiji ba CNE atu tau mekanismu diak i simples hodi bele sukat no monitoriza lalaok Partido nian liu husi asegura politika oinsa bele hetan no atinji rekerementus husi numeru lista apresentasaun kandidatura husi feto ida entre mane 2 hanesan vigora ona iha Lei ba Eleisaun Parlamento Nasional.

CFEO mos nudar organizasaun feto base iha Oekusi ho ksolok tebes hakarak koopera ho Partido ne'ebe deit hodi fo assistensia ba aumenta kapasidade no kualidade feto sira nian hasoru eleisaun geral PN tinan 2012.

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva nudar Manager Programa mos rekomenda ba UN WOMEN atu fo assistensia makaas liu tan ba tau mekanismu monitorizasaun no evaluasaun ne'ebe makaas atu hare ba oinsa Lei ne'e praktikamente egual ba feto no mane iha de vakto no de jure.

Atu hetan infórmasaun kle’an favor kontaktu direitamente:

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva
Manager Programa CFEO
+ 670 7780445

Delegadas OPMT Oecusse nain 9 partisipa II Kongreso nasional iha Dili

Centro Feto konsege dada lia liu husi telefone ba sekretariada OPMT distrito Oekusi antes remata II Kongreso Nasional OPMT iha Dili nebe halao iha Sentru Konvensaun Dili nian durante loron 4 husi 4-7 Maiu 2011.

Tuir klarifikasaun husi sekretariada OPMT Distrito Oekusi nain, tuir lolos iha hamutuk delegadas nain 11 maka marka presenja maibe tamba delegadas nain 2 okupadu liu tantu nune uniku nain 9 deit maka konsege partisipa iha Kongreso OPMT II nian iha Dili.

OPMT hanesan organizasaun feto parte ba partidu FRETILIN nian hetan mos apoiu husi Centro Feto i sai mos hanesan fundador ba Organizasaun feto ida nee iha tinan 2001 antes harii CFEO.

Prekupasaun husi delegadas sira nian se representa mos hanoin lisuk husi maluk feto sira husi organizasaun OPMT iha Oekusi liu-liu hanesan hare tiha ona iha Konferensia distrito iha fulan Fevereiru liu ba.

Delegadas hirak ne'e se fila fali ba Oekusi iha Sigunda dia 9 Maiu 2011.

ba informasaun klaru liu tan kontakta

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva

Manager Programa
Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse
+ 670 7780445

28 April, 2011

Delegadas CNRT Oecusse nain 41 se partisipa iha 2 Congreso Nasional , Kuitado Feto ida deit

Publika iha TOLAS Toba in lasi, Publika informasaun husi Oecusse
Hela loron ida deit tan atu realiza Congresso nasional ba dala rua CNRT nian iha Dili , CNRT distritos Oecusse mos prepara aan dadauk, inklui hare lista delegadas sira nain 41 ne'ebe sei arangka husi Oecusse ho Ferry KMP Pulau Sabu husi Oecusse ba Dili.

Wainhira hatan ba TOLAS nia konfirmasaun kona ba Komposisaun Delegadas CNRT Oecusse nian ba iha Conggresso ida ne'e, Firmino Taeque nudar Sekretario Geral CNRT Oecusse hatan katak ' hamutuk delegadas nain 41 mak sei arrangka ba Dili no entre delegadas 41 ne'e feto ida no mane 40'

Tuir Observasaun TOLAS, antes realiza Congresso nasional ba dala 2 ne'ebe sei halao iha Dili husi 29-1 Maiu 2010 ne'e la iha Kongresso nivel distrito atu hili delegadas sira so uniku Congresso ne'ebe halao iha tinan 2010 CNRT Oecusse konsege halao Konferensia ba dala uluk nian i resulta hili estrutura foun no Jacob de Araujo eleito nudar Koordenador Distrito.

TOLAS alende ne'e mos hare katak mayoria spanduk no informasaun ba Congresso CNRT nian barak liu kobre deit iha Cidade Dili hanesan Kapital maibe la too iha Nivel Distrito.

wainhira liu husi TOLAS nia Facebook husu ba lee nain sira nia hanoin sa mak bele sai hanoin diak ba delegads CNRT Oecusse sira tuir Ozy Atoni -Oekussi hateten katak "

Tolas:Husi hw nia analize pesoal durante ne'e Katak,, Delegadus partidu CNRT husi distritu oe-kusi se iha maibe numeru sei menus tanba kestaun barak, kestaun ida mak karik tanba durante ne'e CNRT iha oekusi iha problema interna partidu ni...an hahu kedas husi 2007,halo militantes barak mak sai husi CNRT inclui mos ema sira ne'e sakrifisiu makas ba CNRT hodi manan iha Oekusi iha 2007. Hw fiar katak CNRT nia delegadus sira husi oekusi sei foka sai problema ida ne'e durante Cogresu. Ikus liu hw nia konkluzaun katak Partidu atu atrai simpatizantes no militantes ne'ebe barak husi tereinhu ne'e laos tanba partidu ne'e Naran boot k partidu historiku nian, maibe povu sei hili kuandu iha partidu ne'e rasik iha ema ne'ebe hamosu hanoin k programa trategica hodi bele dezemvolve povu ATONI OE-KUSI. Hw espera povu ATONI Oe-kusi tomak persiza loke matan didiak hodi fihir ba ema ne'ebe mak iha interese duni ba Povu oe-kusi nia moris diak no senti duni katak povu Atoni oekusi persiza moris diak..hw mos fiar katak Povu Atoni oe-kusi matenek nain duni no sei fihir liu ba ema ne'e kaer partidu refere iha Oekusi no sira sei la fihir liu ba Partidu nia Naran. HW mos hakarak fo Sugestaun ida ba TOLAS karik iha oin mai bele publika mos Partidus politika iha distritu oekusi konaba sira nia iha hanoin ba elisaun geral 2012. Gracia ba TOLAS NIA HANOIN IDA NE'E,,,

TOLAS mos lamenta kona ba tamba sa numeru delegadas Feto menus liu kompara ho delegadas mane maibe lahetan klarifikasaun klaru no hetan deit reafirmasaun katak delegadas nee hili ona hanesan nee no sei laiha mudansa.
Antes nee, Partidu CNRT hanesan partido Mayoria promove tebes direitu ba egualidade hanesan entre feto no mane lahare ba differensia generu no seksu no espera ida ne'e bele sai lisaun ba Partido seluk iha Oecusse mos atu aumenta partisipasaun feto inklui kedas husi komposisaun delegadas hodi nune espera representantes feto sira nia lian bele rona netik iha congresso nasional partido ida-idak nian.

05 April, 2011

Oxfam International Lansa relatorio ; THE BLUE PRINT for UN WOMEN

Liu husi nia relatoriu Komprensivu ida ho Titlu : "the Blueprint for UN Women", Oxfam International lansa ekspresaun husi kauje 100 Organizasaun advocasia ba egualidade Jeneru nian iha Mundu saida mak sira nia hanoin atu sai hanesan prioridades ba Divisaun FETO UNO nian 

Hanesan fo sai iha Oxfam Press Release Fevereiru liu ba, Husi Farah Karimi , Directora Eksekutivu Oxfam Novib hateten katak " Mensagem hirak husi kuaje aktivista atus resin maka hateten UN Women ho makaas no klaru : Besik sai tan ba Feto no ajuda sira hakbiit sira atu muda sira nia  vida.
( Tradusaun laos offisial  husi “The message hundreds of activists are telling UN Women is loud and clear: reach out to women and help empower them to change their lives. ”)
Relatoriu ne'e lansa relasiona ho inkontru annual Commisaun on the Status of Women ( CSW ) ou Komisaun Estatuta Feto UNO nian iha Nova Yorke foin lalais iha Fevereiru 24-2011.

Prinsipal rekomendasaun boot liu ne'ebe relatorio ne'e fo sai  Tuir CFEO nia hare katak kuaje 2/3 ou besik 72 % aktivista feto hotu husi organizasaun 100 iha Mundo nee hateten katak Divisaun Feto UNO nian tengki tau hanesan prioridade aas tebes ba HAPARA VIOLENSIA KONTRA FETO. 
Tuir Anastasia de Jesus da Silva iha CFEO Oecusse, Oxfam hanesan Konfederasaun International ida nebe kompustu husi liu nasaun 14 oras ne'e dadauk servisu iha nasaun foin mak desenvolvidu sira besik 98 inklui iha Timor Leste no Distrito Oecusse . Hanesan parseiru Oxfam ba promosaun egualidade Jeneru iha Timor Leste liu-liu Oecusse, CFEO Oxfam iha Timor leste sei supporta makaas liu tan Parseiru sira hodi simu no buka solusaun ikus liu atu hapara mukit no injustica iha Timor Leste.
Divisaun UNO Feto nian hanesan Divisaun foun ida foin estabelese hafoin UNO istuda ba progressu naruk assistensia UNO ba feto iha mundo tomak. 

Atu taka ninia dada lia ba Blogspot ne'e : Anastasia mos aumenta tan katak " CFEO kongratula mos Unidade FETO UNO nian iha Timor Leste no espera bele kuntinua servisu hamutuk ba oin hodi promove egualidade jeneru iha Timor Leste liu-liu Oecusse.

" Hau hanoin, Divisaun UN Women hanesan divisaun ida ke espesial atu Organizasaun Feto hotu bele hakbesik ba hodi servisu hamutuk, maski liu tinan 4 ona CFEO sai parseiru seluk agencia UN nian ami bele hare katak presenja divisaun foun ne'e se hatan ba ejisensia husi rekomendasaun ema hotu nian, liu-liu hanesan fo sai iha 'the Blueprint for UN Women " husi Oxfam nia Relatorio ne'e.

Atu hetan informasaun klaru liu tan bele kontakto ba 
Anastasia de Jesus da Silva
CFEO Program Manager
Oecusse Office
telf + 670 7780445
email ; centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com


14 March, 2011

Iha Kondisoens Krizi ba FOS, feto sira kuntinua halibur hamutuk hari Kooperativas kiik

Feto sira ne'e fulan-fulan halibur hamutuk iha sira nia uma, dala ruma husi lorokraik to kalan dala ruma husi dader too meudia, sira halibur hamutuk rai osan funan kooperativas rai no haburas osan nian, UBSP ( usaha bersama simpan pinjam).

Fulan Marsu sai fulan ne'ebe tristeja tebes ba feto maluk sira , folis fos ne'ebe sae makaas halo sira mos tur la metin iha uma, maski oras ne'e familia ida tengki sustenta aan hodi sosa fos Oecusse ( MAMRAMU) ho kopu ida Dolar USD 1.00 la halo sira pasifa.

Lusia Lasi, Koordenador grupu SINAR MULIA, wainhira dada lia ho CFEO Sigunda Dader iha sira nia reuniaun mensal informa katak ' osan fulan Marsu nian agora ami koko atu hahu negosiu tetu fos, ami sei simu FOS MAMRAMU husi suco seluk no koko atu distribui ho pakote ne'ebe bele sustenta husi ami nia membrus sira.

Feto sira iha tempu krizi no mukit ba aihan uma laran sempre sai inisiador ba buka dalan seluk, maski nune ita sempre haluha partisipasaun feto sira nian iha foti dezisaun liu-liu iha programa Siguransa Alimentar sira.
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11 March, 2011

SEPI no OXFAM INTERNATIONAL suporta realiza atifidade LMF iha Distrito Oecusse

Oesilo, Kinta Feira, 11 Marsu hola fatin iha Iskola Pre Sekundaria Oesilo, Oxfam International no Sekretario Estadu Promosaun Igualidadi Distrito Oecusse realiza atifidades komemorasaun Loron Mundial Feto.

Kuaje atifidades durante loron ida tomak ne'e anima no partisipa feto maluk besik 120 resin kompostu husi grupu feto no grupu juventude.

Iha ninia lia menon ba abertura atifidades loron mundial Feto, Salvador da Cruz nudar pontus focal Direitu Humanu Administrasaun Distrito Oecusse apela no fo parabens ba inan feton sira nia kontribuisaun ba desenvolvemento Feto nian iha Timor Leste liu-liu iha Oecusse.

Popyeen Waas nudar Pontus Focal Jeneru Distrito Oecusse husi SEPI nian mos iha ninia intervensaun ba abertura fo agradesemento mos ba Oxfam International ne'ebe suporta ona mos atifidades ida ne'e liu husi Fundus atifidades nian.

Tinan-tinan mundu komemora loron Mundial Feto nian hahu kedas iha tinan 100 liu ba, tamba ne'e marka iha 2011 Thema International nian hare liu ba iha " Esforsu ba Proteksaun i aksesu oportunidade equal."

CFEO liu husi ninia kontribuisaun hanesan orador durante oras 2 resin ba iha atifidades ne'e haforsa liu tan ninia lia menon iha proteksaun ba feto vulneravel sira wainhira iha tempu akontese violensia no diskriminasaun.

Tuir Anastasia de Jesus da Silva, CFEO Manager hateten katak : nudar ONG ne'ebe servisu apoiu ba SEPI nia misaun ami kontribui no suporta atifidade Loron Mundia Feto ne'e, no espera ita bele halo atifidades hanesan iha tinan-tinan haleo Oecusse.

Parabens ba Membrus CFEO ne'ebe eleita iha strutura foun OPMT Oecusse

Parabens ba Membrus CFEO nain 2 ne'ebe eleita ona iha estrutura Foun OPMT Oecusse periodu 2011-2014 hanesan Sebastiana da Costa Pereira nudar Koordenadora no Maria Leonord de Sousa hanesan Sekretariado Distrito.

Liu Husi II Konferensia OPMT Nivel Distrito ne'ebe realiza iha Sabadu semana kotuk 5 Marsu 2011, konsolida ona Estrutura foun ba Periodo 2011-2014.

OPMT hanesan Organizasaun istoriku Feto Timor hahu ninia rezistensia ba kontribuisaun Desenvolvemento Paz no estabilidade ba rekontrusaun Timor Leste too oras ne'e existi to iha Suco no Bairos.

Dala ida tan, parabens mos ba membrus estrutura Foun hotu.

03 February, 2011

Inundasaun Mota tono Janeiru ba dala II ona ameasa Komunidade Cunha no Lalisuk

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Korespondente ho Maluk Activista Feto husi Egyptu.

Ohin , Sesta Feira dia 4 Fevereiru. CFEO hakerek karta ida ba  Kolega Aktivista Feto ida iha Egyptu relasiona ho situasaun iha Cairo-Mesir iha loron 7 ikus , Karta ne'ebe simu husi Azza Soliman husi Egyptu ne'e hanesan belun CFEO nian ida iha Regiaun Asia servisu ba Hamenus Diskriminasaun Kontra Feto durante tinan 5 resin. Maski iha Regiaun ne'ebe dook tebes, maibe liu husi Karta Email hirak ne'e CFEO fiar bele kontribui buat kiik ida ba hakbiit maluk feto sira iha Egyptu hodi kuntinua sira nia luta ba Revolusionariu naruk iha MESIR.

Iha ninia karta ne'ebe ekpressa ninia tristu boot ba situasaun nebe oras ne'e afeita ba feto no labarik hotu iha Mesir, Sebastiana Pereira lahaluha hatoo ninia apresiasaun ba activista feto hotu iha Mesir tamba ona iha aten brani, neon metin hodi ekspressa sai ba mundu liu husi kualker inisiativas tantu email, video no twitter, facebook situasaun kada oras iha Regiaun Refere.

Haforsa tan iha ninia karta ne'e, tuir Pereira katak nia pesoalmente sinti bele hamrik hamutuk ho feto no mane Egyptu sira hotu ohin loron , Sesta dia 4 Fevereiru iha protesaun hasoru MUBARAK no hakilar LAE.

Nia espera Lian husi Feto no Mane hotu Egyptu nian sai hanesan istoria foun ba regiaun Arab hahu husi MESIR ba mudansa Democrasia nebe mehi ona husi Egyptu sira nia Povu.

Atu remata ninia karta ne'e , Pereira hakerek:

“ I do believe, Mesir is and were always the best place in this Earth.”
Katak : Hau fiar , MESIR maka no sempre fatin diak liu iha Mundu ne'e.

Sani nain nebe bele Leer English hare iha ne'e:
Dear Azza,

I am Sebastiana from East Timor. It was great to hear your version and to know that you are safe and hopefully for all your family members too.

It is more interesting here In East Timor ( Timor Leste) to see and watch what is going on in your country as we had just passed the same things happen view years ago. Different Arab TV Channel and You tube also our most viewed site in the last 7 days. Please just keep us informed.

It is very important to see more women like you to share to us in the other part of the world their feedback, their fear as everyone in this world never accept this things, no one else in this world want to see their people is killing and dying in the street just because their voice is loud for their freedom and dignity against their government.

I felt so angry as this did not just happen to me in the Millennium decade but also still need to be done more in the coming decade specially for you and all Egyptian people as well as the whole Arab region.

My salute to you and all your beloved women activist in the country which may some already lost their brother and sister in the past 7 days, some has gone to jail or maybe some in dead missing.

In addition to this Friday big Protest, I am personally with you and all Egyptian women and men to stand and in loud say NO to MUBARAK and lets the democracy begin with your Voices start from the whole Egyptian voices.

I do believe, Mesir is and were always the best place in this Earth.

keep me posted or send me more you tube and any other links.

Sebastiana da Costa Pereira

Enclave Oecusse Women Centre


Oecusse-Timor Leste

Telf ; + 670 7878217

Email ;centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com


From: global2local-request@list.iwraw-ap.org [mailto:global2local-request@list.iwraw-ap.org] On Behalf Of azza soliman

Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2011 11:12 PM

To: global 2 local

Subject: [global2local] FW: here you go

Dear Friends

This is Azza from Egypt. I'm writing you this letter after the Internet connection has been finally restored and after Mubarak's regime has isolated a whole country from the rest of the world. This feels now like a breakthrough.

I want to inform you all that President Mubarak has betrayed his country. He insists on staying in power even if it costs the lives and blood of the Egyptian people.

He has betrayed Egypt through through spreading chaos and havoc for more than 48 hours at the time when police forces dissapeared and thugs and looters were to terrorize and intimidate the people.

Today Mubarak insists on staying in power with the cost of the blood spilling of Egyptians , through employing secret riot police, thoughs, leaders from his national party and have them attack the protestors who are asking for the resignation of the president, the transfer of governance in a peaceful manner and the constitutional reforms. We know that Mubraka gave clear instructions to leading figures in his national party to release thugs and looters even on horses and camels to attack the protesters.All this guarantees Mubarak's betrayal of our homeland.

Dear sisters and brothers, I urge you to help me expose the Egyptian regime and the American regime which is complicit in slaining Egypt.Both regimes continue in slaining universal human rights principles.
I also want you to know that during the past demonstrations not once has there been an Islamic slogan. None of the opposition leaders would attribute this revolution to himself as we witness a popular uprising by the youth of Egypt, which are regular citizens oppressed by Mubarak's regime for 30 years.

They are aware and are confident in putting together the national coalition to reform the Egyptian constitution and uphold the principles of citizenship and establish a civil state in Egypt.

Azza Soliman from Egypt


30 January, 2011


Iha loron Segunda Feira, 24 Janeiru 2011, Centro Feto Enclave Oe-cusse(CFEO),halao enkontru ho membru, GOVERNU no ONG sira, hodi estabelese Grupu Monitorizasaun iha salaon ETPA.Iha enkontru ne`ebe ,direitamente loke husi Admistrador distritu Oe-cusse Sr JOSE TANESIB ANUNU.iha nia abertura ANUNU esplika katak,ONG sira persiza tebtebes atu servisu hamutuk ho GUVERNU LOKAL ,hodi hare ba planu dezemvolvimentu nebe`e ita atu atinzi .
Directora Centro Feto Enclave Oe-cusse(CFEO) Sra SEBASTIANA DA COSTA PEREIRA haktuirtan katak,ohin loron importante ba ita hotu ne'ebe mak marka prezensa iha ne`e,hodi ita atu estabelese Grupu monitorizasaun,hodi taumatan ba ita nia maluk Feto sira nebe`e mak seidauk hetan mudansa husi dezemvolvimentu iha parte ne’e be deit.

PEREIRA iha nia komentariu mos hatetentan katak,realidade ne’ebe mak agora dadaun mosu iha ita nia rai doben Timor –Leste,feto sai hanesan numeru 2,seiwaihira ita kompara ho mane maluk sira.Neduni iha loron ida ne`e,CFEO,hakarak konvida maluk GUVERNU ho ONG sira hodi estabelese Grupu monitorizasaun ba Planu Desenvolvementu ne’ebe sensitive ba Generu ida hodi tau matan ka hare ita nia maluk feto sira iha Timor-Leste liu-liu iha ita nia rai doben enclave ida ne`e.

Alende husi enkontru ida ne`e,hetan akordu husi ONG nomos GUVERNU,hodi estabelese Grupu Monitorizasaun ida ne`e.Partisipantes mos izizi ba CFEO,hodi lao nafatin ba oin,atu fo dalan ka mobiliza ita nia maluk feto sira,hodi partisipa iha dezemvolvimentu nasaun nian ka suku nian,namos sira bele partisipa iha vida politika.responde ba ezizensia hirak ne`e,ANASTASIA DE JESUS DA SILVA nudar Program Maneger CFEO nian,esplika katak,CFEO prontu atu koopera ho maluk Feto no Mane I liu-liu ba Feto iha parte nebe deit,Liu liu iha parte politika no seluk-seluktan.

Grupu ne’ebe estabelese hodi tau matan ba planu desenvolvementu sensitive ba Generu ne’e sei fo prioridades liu atu hare no sukat feto sira no grupu vulneravel seluk hanesan ema ho defisientis sira atu bele hetan mos impaktu husi planu ne’ebe atrasa ona ba iha tinan Fiskal 2011 husi estadu. Grupu ne’e mos sei foku liu atu hasae kapasidade membrus feto no mane iha Konseleiru suku nian iha oinsa jere orsamentu suku, planu strategia ba suku ne’ebe sensitive ba jeneru no oinsa involve diak liu tan komunidade feto no mane hodi partisipa iha desenvolvementu komunidade.

Iha parte seluk,DDO Distritu Oe-cusse,Sr MIQUEL BUCAN,haktuirtan katak,nia parte senti kontenti ho desizaun CFEO tamba,ho nia spiritual organiza GUVERNU no ONG sira hodi hari Grupu monitorizasaun,hodi hare ba partisipasaun Feto sira.Sr BUCAN mos haktuirtan katak,enkontru Rede Monitorizasaun ne`e bele halao iha fulan tolu dala ida.Iha sorin seluk delegasaun husi DNDR( Diresaun Nasional Desenvolvementu Rurais )Distritu Oe-cusse,Sr FIDELIO ABI dehan Nia pronto atu sai Pontu Fokal ba Rede no protu atu servi ba grupu .

Hakarak Atu Hetan Informasaun Klean Liutan Bele Kontaktu:


Ho numeru Kontaktu: + 670 7780445.



27 January, 2011

CFEO halao Sosializasaun ba dala ikus iha Sub Distrito Nitibe ba Projeitu Building Empowerment Leadership and Engagementu Using CEDAW ka CEDAW BELE

Iha Loron Segunda feira :17 ate 19 Janeiru 2011 ,Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse (CFEO) liu husi Projeitu Building Empowermwnt Leadership and Engagement Using CEDAW (BELE),Halao aktividade sosializasaun durante loron 3 ne’e iha Sub Distrito Nitibe. Partisipantes sira ne’ebe partisipa iha sosializasaun ida ne’e mai husi suku 5 mak hanesan:Suku Ban-afi,Lel –ufe,Bene-ufe,Suni –ufe no Usi taco.Treinamentu ne’e hamutuk ema nain 32 kompostu husi : Chefi de Suku,Chefe Aldeia, Rep. Feto boot no Rep. Jovem feto.(Mane:22 pessoas no feto: 10 pessoas total 32 pessoas.

Antonio Casenube hanesan treinador officer CFEO,hatete katak:” Treinamentu ida ne’e ho ninia objective mak atu hasa`e Kapasidade no konhesementu ba Lider lokal sira bazea ba sira nia poder hodi bele Dezenvolve sira nia Sidadaun tantu feto no mane.

Antonio mos hatutan tan katak “realidade ne’e be mak akontese iha baze, Feto sempre hetan ka hasoru Diskriminasaun ,ne’e duni iha opurtunidade ida ne’e CFEO fo treinamentu ba Lideransa komunidade sira atu prevene ka hamenus Diskriminasaun ne’e be mak feto maluk sira hasoru, liu husi fo sai saida maka rekere ou rekomenda iha observasaun konkluzaun hakerek husi Relatoriu Inisiu CEDAW Timor Leste nian iha 2007.

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva nudar Program Manager CFEO haktuir katak Sosializasaun ne’e badala ikus ona mak iha Sub Distrito Nitibee nia mos Isplika tan katak primeiru etapa halao iha Sub Distrito Pante Macassar segundu etapa iha Sub Distrito Oesilo terseiru etapa iha Sub Distrito Passabe

Alende ne’e Parseiru lokal nebe`e hetan fiar atu fasilita no organiza komunidade ba sosializasaun dala ikus iha Sub Distrito Nitibe ne’e maka NGO AHCAE, Asosiasaun Hametin Cultura Atoni Enclave nebe servisu iha suku Usitaco no Banafi konsege fasilita no organiza sosializasaun ne’e ho diak.

Centro Feto enclave Oecusse (CFEO) mos lahaluha hato`o agradese mentu ba staff AHCAE,Sr Agutinho Menezes,Nebe`e honia ajuda hodi halao sosializasaun idane`e hodiak.

Maski kondisoens dalan no mota ne’ebe tun bo`ot hodi halo ekipa treinamentu nian la bele fila husi Suku Usitaco iha loron hafoin remata treinamentu, maibe hafoin loron 2 kalan 2 toba hela iha Aldeia Nitib konsege ekipa treinamentu nian fila mai to`o iha sentru kapital Oecusse hodi hakur mota nebe hahu tun.

Kondisoens dalan no udan kuaje sai faktores bo`ot liu ba disponivel husi ekipa nian durante fulan Desembru no Janeiru nia laran hodi halo konsultasaun nune mos wainhira halo kordenasaun antes iha suku 5, dala rua ekipa la konsege ba suku Ban Afi no tengki fila fali deit tamba dalan kotu no mota tun. Liu tiha semana ida foin ekipa bele fila ba halo kordenasaun no hetan konkordasaun atu ekipa fila ba halo sosializasaun iha loron sigunda 17 ate Koarta 19 Janeiru.

Sosializasaun observasaun Konkluzaun CEDAW ba nivel sub Distrito ne’e hanesan sosializasaun ikus husi aktifidades sosializasaun nian ba membrus Konseleiru Suku iha Distrito Oecusse ne’ebe hetan tulun husi ETJSSF ba periudu 2009-2010.

Ba Informasaun klaru liu tan, bele Kontaktu ba :

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva
Manager Programa BELE-CFEO
Telf ; + 670 7780445
email :centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

ou bele visita ami nia blog spot iha linha ne'e:

18 January, 2011

Governu Foti Desijaun hoti taka provisoriumente Igreja Visaun Cristao iha Oecusse

Desijaun nee hasai hafoin Dialogu loron ida ne'ebe fasilita husi Adminsitrador distrito Oecusse, Jose Anuno entre Comunidade Igreja Visaun Cristao no Igreja Catolika iha Distrito Oecusse, Tersa Feira ne'e 18 Janeiru 2011.

Reporta iha Desembru 28, 2010 akontesementu violensia ida hasoru membrus joven mane ida ne'ebe diskonfia hanesan membrus parte ba Igreja VC iha area palaban, Oecusse, tuir Polisia Kazu ne'e agora attende ona, maibe sidauk konsege kaer suspeitu ida.

Igreja Visaun Cristao iha Oecusse tuir Junio Perez nudar Presidente ba Igreja ne'e iha Timor Leste hetan ona legalizasaun husi Ministeriu Justica hodi halao ninia operasaun iha Timor Leste, signifika katak inklui distrito Oecusse.

entertantu, hanesan fo sai husi kuaje mayoria portavos husi bairo 28 parte ba igreja Katolika iha Distrito ne'e reafirma liu tan atu husu ba Governu lokal hodi TAKA tiha igreja refere.

Igreja Visaun Cristao harii iha ninia prinsipiu hanesan kuaje evangelika seluk iha Timor Leste, sira aplika buat prinsipal haat maka hanesan : sira hasoru malu, sira han hamutuk pao ne'ebe fahe ba malu,sira reja hamutuk no sira kria belun ba Jesus. esplika liu tan husi Junio Perez. " Ami mos oferta ba ami nia parte comunhao kada Domingu no ida ne'e la obriga ida ba kualker pessoa, sira bele hili ho desijaun rasik." hatutan tan Junio Perez.
Portavos husi Komunidade Area Palaban ne'ebe representa husi Joao Muni deklara iha ninia statementu katak " Igreja Visaun Cristao hatudu ona hahalok viola kultura atoni Oecusse, tamba la konsidera igreja catolika hanesan mayoria no bosok komunidade katak sira nia misaun ne'e misao harii NGO maibe iha fim harii fali igreja foun ida iha ami nia Bairo laran, ida ne'e mak ami la koi."  informasaun liu tan hare iha ne'e ; http://www.thevisioncc.org/home.

Situasaun iha fatin Dialogu sai namanas, tamba kuaje mayoria partisipantes hahu hakilar ho lian makaas " TAKA-TAKA balun mos hasai statementu ne'ebe kroat liu hanean representante husi estase Padimau nian"
Fidelio Ribeiro"  hau ohin loron ne'e hakarak rona lia fuan rua deit husi resultadu dialogu ne'e liafuan ne'e maka : TAKA ka ou La Taka, maibe hau atu dehan katak sei karik governu la taka, hau rasik ho hau nia komunidade sira ami mak sei ba TAKA  igreja iha Palaban ne'eba.

Hafoin kuaje iha oras 4 nia laran, deklarasaun sira ne'e ikus mai hetan resposta no hatan husi parte kompententes hanesan Chefi Gabineti SERAO, husi Igreja Visaun Cristao rasik, husi Amo Parokia Oecusse no mos husi Komandante PNTL distrito Oecusse ikus mai Administrador distrito Oecusse hasai desijaun atu konsulta ho Governo nasional iha tempu badak ba problema ne'e no husu atu taka provisoriumente atifidades husi Igreja Visaun Cristao iha Area Palaban, Oecusse too wainhira iha ona informasaun tuir mai.

Kestiona kona ba tempu provisoriumente ne'ebe fo ba Desijaun ne'e lahetan klarifikasaun klaru husi Administrador rasik.

kuaje ema besik atuslima partisipa iha dialogu ne'e no hetan siguransa makaas husi membrus PNTL distrito no mos UNPOL.

CFEO halao ninia observasaun ba Dialogu ne'e la ho intensaun halo intervensaun maibe so observa lalaok no sei konsidera desijaun ne'ebe mak hasai husi Governu hanesan desizaun governu nian.

CFEO nia prespektivas la representa iha desijaun ne'e no sei fo deit wainhira hetan ona konsultasaun husi parte governu.

ba Informasaun klaru liu tan bele kontaku

Sebastiana Pereira
Direktora CFEO Oecusse


16 January, 2011

Y-ACTS Lansa Kooperativa Produtu Rotan Iha Oecusse

Iha loron Sesta, 14 Janeiru edifisiu Y-ACTS iha Numbey-Oecusse nakonu ho konvidadus mai husi Sektores oin-oin , hare ba direktur Y-ACTS, Je Eta fo hela lia fuan ruma ba audiensias hotu kona ba objeitifu halibur ema hotu iha loron nee la seluk la let tamba Y-ACTS hahu ohin Lansa ona Koperativa produtu Rotan iha Oecusse ho ninia sentru iha Edifisiu Y-ACTS Numbey.

Hola parte iha seremonia kiik nee, Koordenador Regional Sentru Emprego Distrito Oecusse, Mario Muni, ne'ebe suporta harii koperativa nee, hateten iha ninia diskursu badak katak ; SEFOPE haksolok bele suporta ideas kreatifas ida hanesan harii sentru koperativa Rotan ida nee, husu atu atifidades nee nakonu ho joven feto no mane ba oin, atu bele hasae kapasidade empregu ba jovens sira no mos hodi promove produtu lokal iha Oecusse.

Kestiona kona ba impaktu husi tesi Rotan nebe sei sai kontribuitor makaas liu, Representante husi Departementu Meiu Ambiente ne'ebe representa husi Serilio Babo hatan katak ' Rotan fasil atu moris iha ambiente ne'ebe bee barak" oras ne'e ita tengki tau mos hanoin atu kuda Rotan hun ida ema ida sei ita hanoin ona atu produs Rotan sai buat oin-oin

Membrus Koperativas iha Produsaun rotan nee mai husi jovens sira sub Distrito 4 iha Oecusse, Inklui suku Ban afi nebe Dok tebes husi sentru kapital distrito Oecusse.

Hafoin lansa iha permeiru dia ne'e antusiasmu makaas hatudu husi partisipantes sira inklui autoridade lokais sira mosu dadauk . Folin kada produtu mos hetan rekonhesementu husi konsumedores sira: hanesan hateten husi : Lusia Laci, maluk partisipantes  feto ida iha seremonia ne'e.
" Kleru ona hau buka produtu sira hanesan ne'e atu sosa iha rai laran, maibe ohin hau kontente bele mai hare, visita no sosa rasik iha ne'e buat ne'ebe hakarak husi rotan. barak liu hau uja ba Uma laran.' hatutan nia ho kontente.

Nune mos ba konsumedores seluk ne'ebe oras ne'e hakarak visita sentru ne'e bele hakat mai edifisiu Y-ACTS iha sentru Numbey ou kontaktu numeru telf ; + 670 7468874.

10 January, 2011

Ba Seluk, Sae Ferry nee haksolok tansa mak ami lae?

Ne mak Kondisoens Portu Oebau, wainhira roo nakroma arangka kada Loron Tersa no Sesta iha Fulan Janeiru 2011 hafoin kuaje metade Populasaun prepara atu fila ba Dili ho rasaun oin-oin.

Iha loron Tersa, 4 Janeiru, Diresaun Portu tengki uja Polisia Maritima atu bele kontrola numeru pasangjeiru nebe sae makaas tebes husi Oecusse atu ba Dili. nune mos tuir observasaun CFEO sei akontese nafatin iha Sesta 7 Janeiru 2011.

Pasangeirus feto mane tengki hatudu bilhete no ida nee, diretamente verifika husi Membrus Polisia Maritima laos hanesan babain pessoal husi APORTIL.

Nesesidades nebee makaas ba kuaje metade pasangeirus sai problematika wainhira balun labele hetan aksesu hodi sosa bilhete nebe iha deit klasifika ekonomia ho folin USD $ 4.00 no USD $ 14.00

 espera kondisoens hanesan bele hadia diak liu tan no bele tau prioridades mos ba feto no labarik liu-liu ba inan isin rua sira.

See sae Ferry ba Ema seluk hanesan ksolok, nusa mak ami lae?????????????