Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse
Servi ba Feto Oecusse, Servi ba Feto Timor

09 December, 2008

Media Monitorizasaun kona-ba Direitu Ekonomiku, Sosial, no Kultural

Human Rights and Transitional Justice Section
Media Monitorizasaun kona-ba Direitu Ekonomiku, Sosial, no Kultural
Fulan Novembru 2008


Foos Subsidiu tun ba $12

Kinta, 6 Novembru 2008
Direktur Nasional do Comercio Domestico, Epifanio Silva hateten katak komesa hahu hosi loron 3 Novembru 2008 presu foos tun ba US$ 12 ba 35 kilo atu nune’e povu kiik iha kapasidade sosa foos. DN

Atu halakon Manipulasaun ba presu foos iha baze MTCI koopera hamutuk ho autoridade lokal

Kinta, 6 Novembru 2008
Ministeriu Turismu Cimercio no Industria ne’ebé liu hosi dirasaun nasional comercio domestica, iha Kuarta(5/11) halo seminario ida ho autoridade lokal distritu Dili nian hodi koalia oinsa atu koopera hamutuk ho governu hodi kontrola diak foos foun ne’ebe foin mai para labele tan mosu manipulasaun ba presu. STL

Foos governu komesa menus iha merkadu

Kinta, 6 Novembru 2008
Foos governu agora dadaun ne’e komesa menus iha merkadu iha kapital Dili tamba ne’e maka konsumidores sira, husu ba governu liu hosi Ministeriu Torismo, Comercio no Industria atu realiza lalais hodi halo distribusaun ba foos ba emprejarius sira atu bele fa’an iha merkadu, lia fuan hirak ne’e hato’o hosi Evaristo da Costa nudar konsumidores. STL

Foos nia folin sei aas

Tersa, 11 Novembru 2008
Deputadu Bankada PD Adriano do Nacimento hateten katak maske foos folin tun ona iha merkadu internasional nomos iha capital Dili maibe iha Distritu sei kontinua sosa foos governu ho folin $27 kada saka. foos hirak ne’ebé distribui ba iha Distritu nafatin folin sa’e tamba relasiona ho distribusaun foos ne’ebé la kontroladu no foos hirak ne’e hetan borong hosi loja boot iha distritu hodi la kobre to’o iha povu kiik. TP

Kontratu Kompania 7 hatama foos, governu hasai US$22,676,140

Kinta, 13 Novembru 2008
Governu Aliansi Maioria Parlemtar(AMP) hasai ona osan hosi fundu Estabilizasaun Ekonomiku hamutuk US$22,676,140 hodi halo kontratu ho kompania hitu hatama foos mai Timor Leste. kompania hitu ne’ebé tuir dadus maka tuir mai:
Kompania Seba Jaya. US$ 1,615,000,
kompania Atramor. US$ 1,848,640,
Kompania Belun Feto. US$ 3,842,500,
Kompania Star King. US$ 3,842,000,
Kompania Maubara Fitun Naroman. US$ 3,843,00,
Kompania Tres Amigos. US$ 3,843,500,
Kompania United Food. US$ 3,842,500.
kompania hirak iha leten maka sai hanesan kompania ne’ebe maka governu halo kontratu hodi hatama foos mai Timor Leste. STL

Foos MTCI tun ba $12, Governu garantia sei la akontese manipulasaun folin

Sabadu, 15 Novembru 2008
Hare ba folin nesesidade baziku iha merkadu internasional komesa tun dadaun ona ho ida ne’e governu liu hosi Ministeriu Turismu Komersiu no Industria komesa hatun folin foos marka MTCI ne’ebe ho folin $16 ba $12 no garantia katak sei la akontese manipulasaun ba presu iha merkadu lokal. TP

Komunidade Lacluta kestiona ba prezu foos governu

Tersa, 18 Novembru 2008
Komunidade Lacluta, Distritu Viqueque, kestiona maka’as kona-ba presu foos governu iha fatin ne’eba. Tuir Populasaun iha fatin ne’eba hare katak kontrariu liu hosi deklarasaun Ministeriu Tuirismu Comerciu no Industria nian ne’ebé hateten katak foos MTCI agora ba oin ho Kg 35 sei faan ba komunidade ho folin US$12.00 kada saku, maibe realidade iha Sub-distritu Lacluta komersiante balun la halo tuir saida maka MTCI hasai ona. STL

Polisia Baucau prende foos MTCI

Kuarta, 19 Novembru 2008
Polisia Distritu Baucau, Tersa(18/11) mais ou menus tuku 09:00Otl prende foos marka MTCI iha uma Roofing nia oin tamba fa’an liu folin ne’ebé governu determina ona. tuir Adjuntu Komendante Polisia Distritu Baucau hateten katak sira simu informasaun hosi komunidade ne’ebe sosa foos katak folin foos ne’ebe komersiante hirak ne’e faan ho folin $15 kada saka. Ho razaun ida ne’e maka ami prende foos hirak ne’e. TP

Povu kontente ho foos presu US$12.00 kada saka

Kuarta, 19 Novembru 2008
povu tomak kontente hodi fo agradese ba governu ninia esforsu tomak ne’ebé bele responde ona povu kiik nia ejijensia liu hosi realidade hanesan foos ne’ebé ho Kg 35 agora US$ 12.00 kada saka. STL

Konsumidores husu governu kontrola nafatin presu foos

Kinta, 20 Novembru 2008
Konsumidores husu ba governu liu hosi Ministeriu Turismu, Comersio no Industria atu ba oin kontrola nafatin presu foos iha merkadu tamba iha nafatin ema seluk buka atu halo manobras hodi halo bokur ba nia aan, lia fuan hirak ne’e hato’o hosi konsumidores sira iha kapital Dili. STL

Manipula presu foos, Governu kaer ona kompania haat

Kinta, 20 Novembru 2008
Governu liu hosi Ministeriu Turismu Comercio no Industria iha semana hirak nia laran kaer ona kompania haat(4) ne’ebé halo maniapulasaun ba presu foos US$ 12.00.lia hirak ne’e hato’o hosi asistente Protesaun dos Konsumidores Inspesaun, Cipriano Esteve iha nia servisu fatin. kompania haat ne’ebe governu kaer tamba sira faan foos hodi halo manipulasaun hosi $12.00 faan ba iha $15.00 kada saka. STL

Faan foos liu $12.00, PNTL sei halo kapturasaun

Segunda, 24 Novembru 2008
Ministeriu Turismu, Comersio, no Industria fo ona despasu ba Polisia Nasional Timor Leste hodi kaptura emprezariu sira ne’ebé maka faan foos governu nian ho folin ida ne’ebe la tuir regra ne’ebé maka determina tiha ona. TP

Tamba faan liu standar PNTL Baucau prende foos saku 15

Segunda, 24 Novembru 2008
Polisia distritu Baucau iha Tersa, (18/11) semana kotuk prende foos saku 15 ne’ebé faan liu presu $12.00. prende foos hirak ne’e bazea ba surat despaisu hosi dirasaun komersiu industria nasional ne’ebé fo autorizasaun ba polisia atu prende foos governu ho merek MTCI ne’ebé komunidade ka kompania faan liu hosi presu $12.00 ba leten. DN

PNTL distritu Dili prende foos MTCI saku 30 resin

Sesta, 27 Novembru 2008
Komandante Distritu Dili, Inspektur Pedro Belo hateten katak, Polisia distritu Dili halo operasaun hodi prende foos MTCI saku 30 resin, tamba faan la tuir standar ho folin $12.00 kada saku ida ne’ebé liu fali folin governu determina ona. DN

Governu sei la kastigu negosiante halo manipulasaun ba presu foos

Sesta, 27 Novembru 2008
Direktur Nasional Comercio Domestica, Epifanio Fakulto hateten katak negosiante kiik ne’ebé halo manipulasaun ba presu foo sei la liu husi investigasaun, tamba sira kiak hakarak buka moris hodi hadia familia nia ekonomia. STL


Agrikultor Timor Leste seidauk iha kapasidade produs Aihan

Sesta, 21 Novembru 2008
Ministru Agrikultura, Floresta no Peskas hateten katak, pursentu 80 populasaun Timor Leste moris ho agrikultura maibe agrikultor sira seidauk iha kapasidade atu produs aihan, tamba sei sosa nafatin aihan hosi rai liur. ba ida ne’e Ministeriu Agrikultura buka ona dalan atu fo suporta ba agrikultor sira para bele halo produsaun ba aihan iha rai laran no dalan ida maka halo luan area atu kuda nian ka ekstensifikasaun hodi suporta trator halo fila rai gratuitu no agora dadaun iha orsamnetu 2008/2009 Ministeriu Agrikultura sei tau 20.000 hektares. TP


Governu sei investe hadia sistema edukasaun

Tersa, 18 Novembru 2008
Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao hateten governu nia prekupasaun boot tebes iha edukasaun nian no iha kompremisu boot atu hadia nafatin sistema edukasaun iha Timor Leste. TP

Ferik-katuas 12000 hatene lee no hakerek

Sesta, 7 Novembru 2008
Ministru Edukasaun, Joao Cancio Freitas hateten iha kampania nasional ba alfabetizasaun governu hetan ona resultadu katuas no ferik12.000 iha Timor Leste ne’ebé uluk la hatene lee no hakerek agora bele ona hakerek no lee. STL


Timor Leste iha ona makina detektu moras HIV/SIDA

Kuarta, 19 Novembru 2008
Vice presidente komisaun nasional luta hasoru HIV/SIDA Daniel Marcal husu ba ema timor oan feto no mane atu labele subar sira nia saude bainhira hetan infeksaun moras HIV/SIDA tenke deklara sai ou ba halo konsultasaun iha Hospital atu nune’e doutor sira bele ajuda pasientes sira nia vida kontra moras HIV/SIDA. TP

Moras Lepara aas iha Oecusse

Sesta, 21 Novembru 2008
Governu lokal husu apoio ba ajensia Internasional atu nune’e bele redus numeru pasiente moras lepra ne’ebe aas iha Oecusse. lia hirak ne’e hato’o hosi Administrador Distritu Oecusse Jose Anunu, bainhira hala’o abertura ba kompanha sosializa ba moras lepra iha sentru saude Baqui. TP


Sekertariadu Estadu Formasaun Profesional e Empregu debate estrategia nasional empregu

Kuarta, 19 Novembru 2008
Sekertariu Estadu Formasaun Profesional e Empregu ho parseirus ILO, reprezentante hosi Ministeriu Ekonomia, Ministeriu Agrikultura, no Sekertariu Estadu Juventude e Desportu iha dia 17 Novembru hala’o engkontru iha memorial Hall Dili hodi debate estrategia nasional kona-ba empregu nian. TP

Primeiru Ministru Xanana promete kria empregu iha Distritu

Sabadu, 22 Novembru 2008
Primeiru Ministru Xanana promete sei kria empregu iha distritu para lori hikas komunidades sira fila hikas ba foho hodi labele konsentra deit iha Dili. problema sosial mosu barak iha Dili, liu-liu hadau malu rai tamba ema hotu hosi foho mai konsentra iha Dili. buat hirak ne’e akontese tamba ema barak mai Dili hodi buka servisu. hodi nune’e governu hanoin ona atu kria empregu iha Distritu-distritu. STL


Orsamentu Jeral 2009 sei haruka ba Parlamentu Nasional iha tempu oportunu

Kuarta, 5 Novembru 2008
Relasiona ho orsamnetu geral 2009 nian ne’ebé governu IV konstitusional seidauk haruka ba parlamentu nasional hodi halo diskusaun iha parlamentu bainhira konfirma ne’eba iha Primeiru Ministru Interinu Jose Luis Guteres hateten katak, orsamentu geral 2009 ne’e sei haruka ba iha Parlamentu Nasional iha tempu oportunu. STL

Orsamento Geral do Estadu 2009, Governu sei hasai milaun 407,8 husi fundu minarai

Sesta, 27 Novembru 2008
Governu AMP ne’ebe lidera husi Xanana Gosmao sei hasai osan hamutuk milaun $ 407,8 hosi fundus minarai hodi haree ba area infrastruktura no elektrisidade. kestaun ne’e hato’o hosi Sekertariu Estadu Rekursu Naturais, Alfredo Pires, foin lalais ne’e iha nia servisu fatin. TP
Forward husi
Ekipa Direitu Ekonomiku, Sosial no Kultural, Seksaun Direitu Umanus no Justisa Tranzitorio-UNMIT Ext : 5687 by
nope@un.org Almerio Lopes NOPE

02 December, 2008


Period: November 2008
Edition: November 2008

On 17/11 the Oe-Cusse District Court was scheduled to conduct hearings into the following three criminal cases: Case No. 34/P.CO/IX/TDO/2007 (defendant VO and others), Case No. 37/P.CO/IX/TDO/2007 (defendant NDS and others) and Case No. 45/TDO/2008 (GDR). However only the first two cases could be heard because the defendant in the three case was not present. JSMP did not monitor these criminal cases however a judicial officer at the aforementioned court provided information about the hearings.
On 18/11 the Oe-Cusse District Court adjourned the trial into a case of maltreatment involving the defendant FL. The trial was adjourned because the victim was unable to attend because she had just given birth one week before the scheduled date of the hearing. Therefore the judge decided to adjourn the hearing of this matter until January.
In addition to the fact that the victim was the wife of the defendant and had just given birth, the judge emphasized that the trial required the presence of the victim because the indictment contained a medical report indicating that the victim had suffered serious injuries. Therefore the judge believed that the wife of the defendant was not a witness but a victim and therefore the court needed to hear her presence in court to provide testimony.
On the same day the Oe-Cusse District Court also announced a decision against the defendant RR in a case of negligence that resulted in a collision. The Public Prosecutor charged the defendant with Article 360 (1) of the Indonesian Penal Code. The defendant was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment and probation for one year. In addition to the custodial sentence the court also fined the defendant $150 to compensate the victim who had suffered an illness or injury requiring hospital care for approximately one week based Article 72 of the Penal Code Procedure.
On 19/11 the Oe-Cusse District Court conducted a hearing into a case of sexual assault involving the defendant HN. Based on monitoring conducted by JSMP at the aforementioned court, the trial was closed to the public because the case related to the chastity of minors (13 and 11 years old). JSMP was informed by the lawyer for the defendant that the defendant did not provide consistent testimony throughout the course of the trial in regards to what he had previously told police during their investigations. This was also the case with testimony provided by the witness (mother of the victims). The two victims decided to say nothing when invited to make a statement.
As the testimony of the defendant kept changing the prosecution was not able to establish the elements of the charge (Article 285 of the Indonesian Penal Code). In his final statement the lawyer for the defendant asked the court to acquit the defendant from all charges because his guilt had not been established. Finally, the defendant informed the court that he and the victims had agreed to an amicable settlement (forgiveness). However, it appears that the court did not recognize this agreement because it was unclear.
According to the indictment read out to the court, in March 2007 in Betasi, Taiboko the defendant LL entrusted some traditional medicine to the defendant ES to be given to the victim J and to be taken in accordance with instructions set out by the defendant LL. The aim of the two defendants was to enable the victim to abort her four month old fetus. The defendant instructed the victim to take the medicine regularly for three weeks. After several days the victim gave birth and neither the victim nor her baby could be saved. At that time the victim was unconscious and was immediately rushed to the Oe-Cusse hospital but efforts to save the victim were in vain and she died. In the indictment the public prosecutor stated that the defendant said that the defendant carried out the act based on his own free will.
Before the court the defendant responded to the contents of the indictment that had been read out to him. He corrected the date and month of the offence mentioned in the indictment. He provided testimony that he actually met with the victim in August 2007. During these meetings the defendant ES and the victim had sexual intercourse 6 times in different locations. This statement did not answer the judge’s question about his involvement in taking medicine to the victim at the instructions of the defendant LL, namely that he (ES) should give the medicine to the victim J. In his testimony before the court he clearly rejected the charges made by the public prosecutor.
In response to questions about the death of the victim, the defendant ES said that he was not aware because he was in police custody. The defendant said that he didn’t know why the police had arrested him. The defendant also said that he didn’t know about the victim’s pregnancy.
When the judge asked the defendant about his sexual relations with the victim and if he had ejaculated into the vagina of the victim the defendant answered that he was certain.
The victim was married and the victim often asked the defendant for money. The defendant gave $ 15.00 to the victim at that time.

For more information please contact:
Roberto da Costa Pacheco
Coordinator of Legal Research, JSMP
Email: bebeto@jsmp.minihub.org
Landline: 3323883

05 November, 2008

Promosaun Saude ba Grupu Supporta Inan sira kona ba Moras Lepra

Hahu Husi Periudo fulan Outubru iha dia 24 ate dia 30 Fundasaun Alola ninia District Support Workers servisu hamutuk ho Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse halao promosaun saude kona ba moras Lepra nian iha Distrito Oecusse ba Grupu Supporta Inan sira iha Suco hanesan Nipani, Cunha no Bobokase, hamutuk inan besik 73 partisipa iha dialogu , animasaun no mos diskusaun inklui praktica koko isin husi moras lepra nian hamutuk ho pessoal saude iha Departementu Saude Distrital Oecusse Nian.

Maria Monteiro Konfesa katak, promosaun Moras Lepra ne hare liu ba oinsa Grupu Inan sira bele ajuda sira nia membrus iha uma laran atu defini sinal moras lepra nebe dala barak sai hanesan sinal nebe la konhesidu husi familia uma laran. no hanesan ita hotu hatene katak iha distrito Oecusse mayoria populasaun makaas liu hetan moras Lepra no kauje porsentu 95 hus total populasaun oecusse kona ba moras Lepra, numeru nee mos indika hanesan numeru nebe boot liu iha Asiatiku.

Oecusse Nudar distrito nebe mos mak sai distrito ho numeru moras lepra aas liu iha Timor Leste kompara ho Distrito Seluk iha Timor laran.

Liu husi Promosaun Saude Moras Lepra nee, bele kapasita diak liu tan inan sira nia hatene no aksaun hodi bele hatene oinsa identifika no konhese mora lepra no mos oinsa ajuda tratamentu ba pasiente ruma sei karik iha sira nia uma laran tengki iha ema ruma mak hemu aimoruk Lepra

Durante loron 9 kada grupu attende treinamentu nee iha sira nia suco loron 3 no onvolve iha diskusaun ho pessoal CFEO, Alola Fundasaun no mos DHS distrito Oecusse nian.

20 October, 2008

Feto Rurais nia contribuisaun ba Seguransa Alimentar liu husi desenvolve hahan husi produtu Local.

Occajisoens ida hasoru Loron Mundial Feto Rurais

Loron Sesta dia 17 Outubru 2008
Tuku 8. Dader . Oras Timor Leste, Salaun Administrador Distrito Oecusse nian nakonu ona ho Feto Maluk sira mai husi Suco. Hare ba Inan feto sira hatasi mesak furak, iha sira nia liman lori mos ho sira produsaun oi-oin husi hahan nebe produce husi materiais tradisionais. Inan feton sira nee mai husi Grupu besik 6 hamutuk iha 36 no lakleur deit, Salaun administrador nee mos nakonu ho Bainaka sira nebe konvida atu assiste seremonia Loron Mundial Feto Rurais nebe monu iha Loron 15 Fulan Outoubru tinan 2008 iha loron Kuarta liu ba.

Iha sorin seluk, organisadora sira prepara dadauk fatin inklui meja no Kadeira alende ba inan feton sira nebe mai husi grupu mos ba bainaka sira nebe mayoria mai husi Autoridades Lokais inklui membrus governu no Agencia Desenvolvidu Seluk.
Grupu inan feton sira nee hahu prepara dadauk sira nia Meja, infeita ho furak no pronto atu apresenta ba bainaka hotu.

Pasquela Jasmi Handayani, Program Manager Husi Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse nebe sai hanesan Coordenador ba Commisaun Organisador Loron Mundial Feto Rurais nee emphasia partisipasaun Grupu Feto Rurais sira nebe oras nee apresenta ona sira nia matenek liu husi Feira Hahan husi Produtu Lokais nian. Iha ninia discursu badak ba intrudusaun Loron nee mos, Handayani reinforsa tan feto sira nia kontribuisaun ba seguransa alimentar nebe oras nee dadauk sai krizi boot iha familia kiak sira iha area rurais. Loron mundial ba alimentar mos Nasoens Unidas Selebra iha loron 16 Fulan Outubru 2008 kada tinan. Ba tinan Nee, hamutuk husi Centro Feto Encalve Oecusse no Gender Focal Point Distrito Oecusse nian halao occasisoens ida nee hodi fo honra no faloriza contribuisaun grupu feto no inan feton sira iha area rurais ba desenvolvementu Rural nian.

Alende nee mos iha occasisoens nee loke direitamente husi diskursu nebe hatoo hatoo hatoo husi Administrador Distrito, Jose Anunu. Iha sorin seluk, Feto Balun partisipa hanesan Juri hodi bele sukat kualidade no kuantidade ba appresentasaun aihan tradisional sira nebe grupu feto sira appresenta ona. Sira sei tetu no fo falor ba grupu ida-idak ho objective atu fo koragem ba grupu sira hodi bele kapasita diak liu tan sira nia matenek ba produsaun aihan husi materiais tradisional.

Iha final seremonia nee remata ho fahe premiu ba kada grupu hotu no konvida partisipantes sira hotu hodi hola merenda husi resultadu produsaun aihan local nian. Seremonia nee remata iha tuku 13.0 lolos no parte hotu nebe involve iha seremonia nee appresia grupu feto sira nia apresentasaun ho esperansa katak sei iha tan aktividades hanesan nee hodi bele supporta grupu feto rurais sira hakbiit sira nia aan rasik ba sustenabilidade ekonomia iha familia no hadia nutrisaun iha uma laran.
Ba Informasaun klaru liu tan bele kontaktu ba CFEO iha Palaban Oecusse liu husi Email
Obrigada ba contribuisaun husi :
Gender Focal Point Distrito Oecusse : Imaculada Pereira
Community Public Information Officer UNMIT : Hipolito Da Cruz

Haklaken Konvensaun Direitu Labarik iha distrito Oecusse

Local NGO’s Partisipa iha Sorumutu loron ida kona ba haklaken Konvensaun Direitu Labarik iha distrito Oecusse hamutuk ho Rede Proteksaun Direitu Labarik – RPDL nebe organisa husi MSS no supporta husi UNICEF.

Hare ba Feto Nain 5 deit husi total partisipantes nebe partisipa iha Sorumutu Loron ida iha Distrito Oecusse kona ba Habelar Konvensaun Direitu Labarik nian organija husi Ministeiru Solidaridade Sosial -MSS no supporta husi UNICEF. Partisipantes hotu nebe involve iha sorumutu nee mayoria membrus Rede Proteksaun Direitu Labarik husi Departementu kompenente mak hanesan : Departementu Saude,Departementu Solidaridade social, departementu Planu no Financas, Departementu Notariadu inklui PNTL no mos Representante husi Local NGOs mak hanesan Fundasaun Fatu Sinai Oecusse ka FFSO no Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse ka CFEO.

Hola parte mos iha sorumutu ba habelar Konvensaun Direitu Labarik nee : Representante husi Administrador Distrito Oecusse, Jose Anunu nebe simu mos representante Espesial UNICEF ba Proteksaun Direitu Labarik nian no mos Officiais husi Ministeiru Solidaridades Sosial husi Nasional. Konvensaun Direitu Labark nian, sai Phata forma importante hodi bele sukat meius no strategias hirak nebe inklui tiha ona iha kada Programa Annual husi Governu no mos ONS sira hodi haforsa no proteje direitu Labarik sira nian.

Pasquala Jasmi Handayani, Senior Program Officer husi Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse CFEO hola parte iha Sorumutu nebe halao iha Salaun Encontru Administrador Distrito Oecusse iha dia 16 de Outubru nee hamutuk ho feto nain 5 seluk no mos mane maluk besik 38. Maski partisipasaun Feto menus tebes, maybe representante Organisasun Rua husi NGO hanesan FFSO no CFEO iha sorumutu nee lori ona besik aspirasaun organisaun Local hamutuk 16 iha Distrito Oecusse.

Agustinho Sequeira , District Liasion Officer husi Forum ONG Timor Leste ba Distrito Oecusse nian mos haforsa katak aspirasaun mak importante liu iha sorumutu habelar Konvensaun Direitu Labarik nian ba parte hotu iha Oecusse. No ida nee passu positifu ida hodi bele hametin diak liu tan servisu Rede Proteksaun Direitu Labarik iha Oecusse.

Iha Final, planu aksaun husi sorumutu loron ida nee mak atu defini servisu RPDLnian diak liu tan iha futuru hodi servi ba organizasaun inklui mos parte sira nebe offerese proteksaun ba direitu labarik nian. Sorumutu nee mos halibur kada ideas no planu aktividades hodi bele selebra loron Nasional Labarik nian iha Oecusse iha Novembru dia 20 oin mai. Partisipa mos iha sorumutu nee membrus husi Local no Nasional Media mak hanesan RTL, RCAL, STL no mos Lifau Post.

Reporta husi Representante memburs Sociadade Sivil iha RDPL nian husi LNGO- Pasquela Jasmi Handayani husi Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse. Ba Informasaun klaru liu tan bele kontaktu ba numeru :
+ 670 7378796 ou email ba centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

15 October, 2008

Aksessu ba Fos Subsidi

Loron Merkadu nian, inan ida hamrik hela hiit nia raga modo, nia niman sorin kous no tane hela nia kiik oan, husu ho harohan ba fos faan nain atu hatun folin fos ba $ 16.00, tamba nee mak nia hatene lolos kona ba folin fos subsidi governu nian, maibe faan fos nain hanesan larona, nia kuntinua hateten dala rua ate to tolu katak fos nee nia selu rasik kareta foti iha Ponte kais, lori mai to merkadu tono, tamba nee nia iha rasaun atu faan ho folin $ 17.00.

hare ba, Inan nee mos sura dadauk nia osan resin husi pasta tuan ida, neneik-neneik nia hasai hotu osan ho total $ 17.00 no entrega ba foos faan nain ho pasensia.

ne mak ilustrasaun husi Loron Merkadu nian iha Sabadu, Merkadu Numbey oecusse nian, Inan feto sira barak liu mak buka fos subsidi marka ho MTRC nebe hanesan fos subsidi ba Communidade nebe kbiit laek hodi sosa maibe saida mak akontese?

Foos faan nain sira aumenta presu fos kada karong, ho rasaun tamba folin transporte maritima nebe governu apoiu sira rasik bele aumenta folin nee, Tuir Dekretu lei ba subsidiu Foos nian, empresariu local sira so bele faan foos subsidiu Marka MTRC ho presu $ 16.00 no labele hasae tan, maibe realidade iha Oecusse ida nee la akontese.

Manipulasaun nee fasil liu tan wainhira Ministru Industria nian Gil Alves koalia sai ba Media iha Dili, iha loron Sabdu dia 270908 katak fos subsidiu folin sae oecusse nee normal tamba folin transporte nebe empresario sira rasik hasai. saida mak sai impactu ba ida nee?

Loron-loron povu kiik sei terus no hakaas kabun nafatin hodi halibur osan barak liu tan hodi bele sosa folin fos, no bainhira los inan sira bele determina fali folin fos? se los mak tengki kontrola mekanismu faan fos subsidiu governu nian?

13 October, 2008

Timor Hero Still Seeking a Future


Many ordinary people were celebrated as heroes for the role they played during East Timor's struggle for independence from Indonesia.
Dutch journalist Tjitske Lingsma, who reported on the conflict, tracked down a young man who saved the Timorese enclave of Oecussi by smuggling a desperate plea for help inside his flip flops.

Lafu was hailed as a hero for rescuing the people of OecussiThe taxi stops at the arts school just off the main road in Dili, East Timor's coastal capital. A student shakes his head: "Lafu was seen here for the last time in 2004."
Later, we hear that Lafu has returned to the family home in the East Timorese enclave of Oecussi in Indonesian West Timor, the scene of brutal attacks during the independence struggle.
Twelve hours later, after an uncomfortable night on a ferry, the jungle-clad mountains of Oecussi loom.
Lafu, 25, is waiting on the quayside among a crowd of people gathered to meet the boat. On his borrowed motorbike he leads the way to a whitewashed house with an attached corrugated iron shed where he tells his story.
Flip flops and a catapult
Lafu, whose full name is Fredolino Jose Landos da Cruz Buno Sila, was a wild boy. Aged 13 he slapped his school teacher in a fit of anger and ran away from home.
He did not return for three years until 1999 when Indonesia agreed to a referendum on independence for East Timor after 24 years of occupation.
Lafu was too young to vote but those who could voted overwhelmingly in favour of independence. In response the Indonesian army and loyalist militia groups unleashed an orgy of violence.
Lafu fled to the mountain hamlet of Kutete with thousands of refugees but with basic supplies running short he set off for a nearby village to look for a shop.
"I was wearing a black baseball cap with a ribbon in the Indonesian colours, red and white, so the militia would think I was pro-Indonesia," he recalls.
While he was away the militias came to the village, destroying it and forcing the refugees down to the beach where they huddled together in fear.
With the Indonesian army planning an assault on Oecussi the pro-independence leaders chose Lafu for the dangerous task of crossing the military lines to deliver a plea for help to the Australian-led international peacekeeping force, Interfet.
From a chest in the room, Lafu pulls out a catapult and a pair of flip flops. He takes up one of the shoes and carefully pulls apart the sole. "Here they hid the letter," he says.
In the morning he set off for Atambua, a border town crawling with militia. "They invited me to drink. With a [pounding] heart I agreed. I took my flip flops off so I could sit on them. When the militia were very drunk I ran away.
"By shooting birds with my catapult I could get closer in a seemingly innocent way - until I was stopped by an Indonesian soldier who warned me that Interfet was nearby."
Lafu bolted: "I sprinted towards the border where I saw Australians. I lifted my arms and walked towards the soldiers."

An Australian peacekeeper guards East Timorese refugees in Dili in 1999Lafu had escaped and was taken to Dili by helicopter where he delivered his plea for help to Interfet commander, Maj General Peter Cosgrove, and Timorese guerrilla leader Taur Matan Ruak.
To his horror Interfet did not immediately decide to rescue the besieged people of Oecussi. Instead Lafu was taught how to operate a radio and taken back to Oecussi, where the foreign soldiers abandoned him on the beach. "They had betrayed me," says Lafu.
By the time Lafu rejoined the pro-independence leaders in Oecussi killings had already begun.
In desperation, with starvation looming and the militias circling, Lafu used his radio to contact Interfet to tell them that an attack was under way. "It is not going well. I have to run," he said and switched off the radio.
The next morning the refugees were awoken by the sound of approaching helicopters. "We ran towards the beach and could only cry. We were finally safe!"
Lafu had rescued the enclave and became a hero.
'Drinking to forget'

In Oecussi there are few jobs for young men such as LafuAn Australian who heard Lafu's story sent money so the family could rebuild their house. Today his father rents it to UN workers for $100 (£58) a month.
The income is a lifeline and pays for school fees for Lafu's brothers and sisters.
Despite his hero status, the post-independence years have not been kind to Lafu. In Dili a former bishop sponsored him through theatre school but in 2003 the money ran out and Lafu left.
"After that I tried to join the army," he says, "but I failed the physical test."
Then his mother died. "I started to get bored and became a thug.
"I joined a gang which protected the neighbourhood where I lived against other gangs. During serious fights people got wounded and even killed."
I am happy because we have freedom, but sad because we don't have work
Lafu Disillusioned with life in the capital Lafu returned to Oecussi in 2006 just as the fragile peace was shattered again when rebels, army, police and criminals clashed. People died and houses were burned in the violence.
"I left Dili because I could not find a job. But in Oecussi I have no work either," Lafu laments. "The government is neglecting us."
Lafu belongs to a lost generation of young Timorese who do not know where their lives are going.
"I am happy because we have freedom, but sad because we don't have work. With friends I often start drinking to forget our situation.
"We drink until we get sick. Only then we stop."

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10 October, 2008

Oecusse Nakukun

Kommunidade Oecusse nebe hela liu iha Filla besik rihun 4000 durante fulan 10 ona tengki simu deit resultadu tanba ahi ka elektrisidade nebe mate bebeik no iha fulan 6 ikus nungka lakan. Antes nee Ahin lakan hahu iha tuku 18.00 no bele foin mate iha tuku 00.Maibe ida nee para totalmente iha Fulan 6 liu ba

Impaktu husi nee, aktifidades ovo kiik nian se lao neneik liu ba desenvolve sira nia moris, Kiik oan sira nebe mak oras nee hahu tama fali ona Iskola tengki para Istuda ho kalan nune mos Inan sira nebe fila liman ho Halo Jelu ka Es tengki terus tamba laiha liu koneksaun ba puder oinsa bele halo elektrisidade lakan fila fali.

Iha parte seluk, empresariu sira hahu hanehan Povu kiik ho opportunidade ida nee, Wainhira nesesidades kiik deit hanesan Fotokopia surat tahan ida ka rua bele sai fali folin tahan 4 no 5 nian, ho deit rasaun, ahi han Mina no Mina oras nee karuun. Fenomena nee laos iha villa laran deit, maibe tensaun atu uja opportunidade laiha elektrisidade mos akontese iha instansi nebe mak fragil liu hanesan Hospital ka Kantor Telkom, lahatene oras nee tamba sa mak Kompanha hanesan Timor Telekom bele Ahi lakan loron kalan, maski nia mos dook husi Dili, no uja Generator no nusa mak EDTL Oecusse nian labele uja sistema managementu hanesan hodi supply Mina husi Dili mai Oecusse diak liu tan.

Dala barak se kuandu laos tamba rasaun Mina antaun rasaun generador Aat, ida nee fasil liu ba povu kiik atu komprende no simu deit kulpa nebe mak hatoo ba sira. Maibe realidade sira foin mak arrepende se kuandu tamba atu CAS HP deit iha fatin ou Kios balun sira foin sinti susar kuandu kios nain husu folin 1 dollar durante cas oras ida nia laran.

saida mak Ita bele halo? HAKAT NENEIK NO HEIN karik nee mak ema atoni nia attitude hodi SURVIVE.

08 October, 2008

Se bele Hela Hakat Neneik no HEIN

Feto 150 iha Oecusse remata formasaun negosio
Suara Timor Lorosae, March 11, 2008
Feto hamutuk ema na’in 150 iha Oecusse remata ona formasaun kona-ba administrasaun negosiu. Aktividade ne’e halao relasaun ho Loron Mundial Feto (LMF) nian ba tinan ida-ne’e especialmente foti tema kona-ba feto sira ne’ebe halao negosiu.
Programa formasaun administrasaun negosiu ne’e hetan suporta husi USAID. Selebrasaun LMF ne’e halo iha loron 8 fulan Marsu ne’ebe lidera husi Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse (CFEO) nomos loke seminar ida-ne’e hodi fasilita maluk feto sira iha baze para fahe sira nia esperiencia ba malu.

Juventude Husi Distrito Oecuse halao Intercambiu ba Dame iha Distrito Lautem

“Liu husi Intercambiu Juventude Ba Dame entre Distrito ita habelar unidade no promove Paz iha Timor Leste “Ne mak thema nebe foti no sai hanesan ispirito ba Juvnetude basik 13 husi Distritu Oecusse nebe sei halao Intercambiu ba Distrito Lautem durante loron 13 hahu husi dia 7 de Outobru ate dia 19 de outubru 2008. juvenutde nebe kompostu husi feto 7 no mane 6 nee arangka husi distrito oecusse ho Ro Berlin Nakroma no sei to iha Lautem iha loron Kinta Madrugada depois de halo viagem husi Dili ba Lautem.

Ligia Atita Soares nudar Koordenador Grupu Juventude nian hateten katak “ Liu husi Intercambiu ida nee grupu juventude husi Distrito Oecusse se hebelar liu tan deklarasun juventude husi Distritu 13 nebe iha tinan 2006 nebe halo dialogu nasional ba Dame iha Distrito Oecusse, alende nee grupu juventude husi Distrito Oecusse mos sei aprende lisaun husi Grupu Juventude Lautem nian kona ba sira nia participasun ba kria paz iha sira nia distrito.

Intercambiu juventude entre distrito nee husi distrito Oecusse facilita husi Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse nudar Organisasaun Local non governmental nebe durante tinan barak servisu ba promosaun Participasaun Juventude nian no mos iha Harii Paz. Husi CFEO halao mos koordenasau ho Sub Comisaun Justica e Paz iha Lautem hodi bele facilita mos intercambiu ida nee ba Grupu Juventude Harii Dame sira durante iha Lautem.

“ Liu husi ami nia esforsu ba loke dalan no habelar ideas iha promove Paz, ami hare katak ideas hodi bele facilita intercambiu entre juventude husi distrito Oecusse ba distrito Lautem sai hanesan meios ida hodi bele hametin liu tan unidade no hamenus tendesaun iha differensias basea ba etnikus. No alende nee ami mos hakarak promove deklarasaun Lifau nebe kria iha tinan 2006 Iha Distrito Oecusse rasik wainhira Timor Monu ba Krizi tamba impaktu husi differensia etniku Lorosae no Loromonu nebe boot tebes, “ haktuir Project Officer ba Peace Building husi CFEO Popyeen Fatima Waas.

Juventude Grupu Hari dame nian husi Distrito Lautem rasik halao tiha ona sira nia intercambiu durante loron 10 iha distritu Oecusse iha Fulan Agustu liu ba no ida nee mak intercambiu hodi hatan fali ba inisiu nebe juventude distiro rua nee konkorda tiha ona.
Ba facilitasaun hotu nebe mak iha hodi implementa intercambiu juventude harii dame nee, CFEO hetan tulun financialmente no teknicalmente husi Caritas Australia Dili Timor Leste nian liu husi Programa Peace Building and Family Violence Prevension Program.

Atu hatene informasaun klaru liu tan bele kontaktu ba
Popyeen Fatima Waas/ Project Officer CFEO iha 7380055