Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse
Servi ba Feto Oecusse, Servi ba Feto Timor

08 May, 2013

Master plan Oecusse sei kombate pobreza

uarta-feira, 8 de Maio de 2013

“Alkatiri: Master Plan Oekusse Sei Kombate Pobreza”


Jornal Independente - Kuarta-Feira, 08 Maiu 2013

Eis Primeiru Ministru Dr. Mari Alkatiri hateten, planu master Plan ba Zona espesial ekonomia social merkadu Timor Leste no projeitu pilotu Distritu Oecusse sei halo fundu dezenvolvimentu no kombate pobreza, tanba projeitu ne;e integradu global.

“Retornu ba politiku iha, ekonomiku iha, retornu finanseiru iha no retornu social boot, tanba projeitu nee integradu global,” dehan nia iha farol, Dili (7/5). Nia sei prepara planu no programa inklui dezenu ba master Plan zona espesial ekonomiku merkadu ba projeitu iha Distritu oekusse no Dsitritu seluk ne’ebe halo ho dezenu tekniku internasional.

“Planu no programa barak maka tama hanesan projeitu iha area agrikultura, saide, empregu traballhu no projetu seluk, maibe seitor ida-idak mak sei kaer,” tenik nia. Nia hatutan, Master Plan hanesan dezenu atu hari sidade foun ne’ebe ema rihun 30 to’o rihun 50 mak hela iha ne’eba, ho eskola, ospital, universidade, portu n o aeroportu nivel internasional.

Orsamentu implementasaun Master Plan, Alkatiri dehan, sei uza sistema primeiru faze to’o terseiru faze, estadu investe osan hamutuk U$1.3 ne’ebe bele aumenta no hamenus tanba iha dadus foun no orsamentu mai husi privadu ne’ebe hakarak investe hamutuk biliaun U$2,6.

“Governu investe biliaun U$1,3 no husi privadu biliaun U$2,6, signifika estadu um tersu no osan privadu mak barak liu estadu,” nia informa. Maibe nia hateten, osan estadu ne’e sei iha retornu mak hanesna infra-estrutura, ekonomiku, loke servisu no finanseiru ka osan ne’e sei funan fali hodi selu saida mka sira gasta.

“Fundu 2 mak ita sei halao iha Master Plan mak hanesan fundu dezenvolvimentu no fundu kombate pobreza,” tenik nia. Nune’e, nia mos garante Master Plan ba projeitu pilotu ne’e sei fo retornu ba TL, liu-liu benefisiu ba populasaun Oekusse nia.

22 February, 2012

Tribunál Distritál Oecusse hala’ó audénsia julgamentu ba kazu violénsia doméstika durante loron tolu tutuir malu

Hahu husi loron 07- 09 Fevereiru 2012, tutuir malu, Tribunál Distritál Oe-cusse  hala’o audiénsia julgamentu ba kazu ofensa ba integridade fízika simples ho natureza krime violénsia doméstika.Bázeia ba JSMP nia observasaun katak, kada loron tribunál hala’o audiénsia julgamentu rua no kazu sira ne’e hotu ho tipu krime violénsia doméstika. Total kazu ne’ebé tribunál prosesa hamutuk kazu ne’en (6). Julgamentu ba kazu sira ne’e hala’o iha dader no lorokraik tuir orariu ne’ebé mak ajenda tiha ona.Kazu hirak ne’e involve arguidu ho antesedente oi-oin. Maibé entre kazu ida ne’e nain ida mak involve oknum ka pesoal husi Polisia Nasionál Timór Léste (PNTL)  ida seluk nu’udar konsultan tekniku iha área kontrusaun sívil, ida seluk badaen no restu nu’udar komunidade bai-bain ho vida agrikultor. 

Entre kazu neen (6) refere konklui ho rezolusaun finál tribunál diferente. Kazu tolu ho pena multa husi $ 21 to’o $ 90 (Dolar Amerikanu) inklui selu kustu judisiáriu ba arguidu sira, no tolu seluk ho pena prizaun entre tinan ida fulan neen, maibé suspendidu husi tinan ida fulan neen ba tinan rua. 

Julgamentu sira ne`e prezide husi juiz  Singular Dr. João Ribeiro. Husi Parte Ministériu Públiku Reprezenta husi Dr. Afonso Lopes no Jacinto Babo Soares, no husi parte defeza reprezenta husi Dr. Sebastião Amado Nheu de Almeida no Calistro Tout husi eskritoriu Defensória Públika Regional Oe-cusse.

Diretór Ezekutivu  JSMP Luis de Oliveira Sampaio  haktuir katak “JSMP  apresia teb-tebes  ba esforsu tomak autór tribunál sira, tantu Juiz, Ministériu Públiku nomós Defensor Públiku ne’ebé mak kontinua maneija prioridade ba kazu violénsia doméstika sira liu husi kolaborasaun diak no prosesu ne’ebé sira hatudu hodi realiza audénsia julgamentu.

Iha tempu hanesan JSMP mós hakarak dedika apresiasaun ba ofisial justisa sira iha tribunál distritál refere, tanbá mesmu ho rekursu pesoal  ne’ebé limitadu teb-tebes, maibé nafatin  hatudu sira nia vontade  no espiritu dedikasaun  atu prepara no ajuda juiz sira atu agenda kazu violénsia doméstika sira atu lori ba prosesu julgamentu. 
Kazu sira ne’e hotu ho tipu violénsia fiziku simples, tanbá ne’e mak depois julgamentu ba produsaun provas to’o faze alegasaun finál, juiz imediatamente, analiza faktus provadus sira no konklui kedas nia prosesu inklui formula nia desizaun ba  ba leitura sentensa.
JSMP mós nota katak, antes atu rona deklarasaun husi parte sira tantu arguidu, lezadu nomós testemuña sira, juiz sempre esplika konabá sira nia direitu no obrigasaun tuir lei prosesuál.
Liu-liu ba lezada, juiz esplika konabá sira nia obrigasaun atu fo deklarasaun konabá faktu kriminál relasionada ne’ebé mak akontese  kontra sira. Aleinde ne’e, depois leitura sentensa, JSMP mós nota katak juiz mós sempre fo konsellu ba arguidu hodi labele repete tan nia hahalok iha futuru.
JSMP espera katak, ho esforsu koletivu, espiritu kolaborativu no seriedade autór judisial nian inklui komponentes relevantes sira ba realizasaun justisa, bele sai hanesan pasu importante ida hodi bele diminui númeru violénsia doméstika iha Timór Léste.

Atu hetan informasaun klean, favor kontaktu;
Luis de Oliveira Sampaio
Diretór Ezekutivu JSMP
Landline: +670 3323883

15 February, 2012

País barak mak hetan risku tanba la atinji Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu - ONU

Timor-Leste hetan risku barak tanba la atinji husi Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu, ohin espesialista sira fó sai husi Nasoens Unidas, haktuir katak kombate ba ki´ak, subnutrisaun infantil nó mortalidade ba inan dok tebes husi metas ba iha tinan 2015.

"Área sira ne´ebé kontinua atu reprezenta dezafiu ká hela nafatin iha liña ho objetivu ba tinan 2015 inklui ki´ak, subnutrisaun infantil, mortalidade ba inan nó saneamentu", dehan Felix Piedade, konselleiru nasionál husi sekretariadu ba Objetivu Dezenvolvimentu Miléniu (ODM) iha Timor-Leste, sita husi IRIN, ajénsia informasaun husi Nasoens Unidas.

Entre iha tinan 2001 nó 2007, númeru ba ema iha Timor-Leste kada loron ida sira moris ho osan dolár ida ba kraik aumenta husi porsentu 36 ba porsentu 50, haktuir Felix Piedade.

Iha tinan 2009, persentajen ne´e monu ba por sentu 41, maibé manten dok liu husi objetivu por sentu 14 ne´ebé estabelese ona iha tinan 2004.

ODM 1 prevé redusaun husi ki´ak ba metade to´o tinan 2015.

Félix Piedade subliña katak bele oinsa mós konsege halo ona progresu iha área balun. "Timor-Leste ultrapasa ona objetivu sira ne´e ba tinan 2015 husi mortalidade ba labarik sira ne´ebé ho tinan lima ba kraik (96/1.000 nasimentu) nó husi mortalidade infantil (53/1.000 nasimentu) bazea iha meta ne´ebé trasa ona iha tinan 2004", dehan.

Tuir Programa Dezenvolvimentu husi Nasoens Unidas, país ne´e la´o daudaun ba dalan ne´ebé los ho de´it objetivu rua husi objetivu ualu ne´e: edukasaun primária universál nó promosaun igualdade husi jéneru nó atu fó tán poder ba feto sira.

Maske nune´e, Sílvia Cormaci, espesialista iha kestsaun igualdade jéneru nian husi Organizasaun Internasionál Traballu, hatudu sétika tantu ba progresu ne´ebé halo ona iha área ne´e.

Responsável rejista avansu iha partisipasaun polítika husi feto sira, ne´ebé sira reprezenta por sentu 30 husi parlamentár sira, sai hanesan taxa partisipasaun balun ne´ebé bot iha Ázia.

Atu hein aprovasaun ne´e mós sai lei ida ne´ebé estipula katak ida husi kandidatu tolu ne´e ba eleisaun lejislativa, ne´ebé tau ona ba ajenda iha fulan Juñu tinan 2012, tenke ema feto.

"Maibé, por sentu 70 husi feto sira ne´ebé serbisu hela ne´ebé la selu iha agrikultura. Iha mós kestaun violénsia doméstika nian, ne´ebé aprezenta husi taxa ne´ebé aas liu husi rejiaun", fó hanoin Sílvia Cormaci. "Besik por sentu 75 husi feto timór-oan sira ká agredida", akresenta.

Violasaun nó asédiu sexual husi feto sira nó labarik sira ne´ebé hela nafatin iha kastigu nia laran durante okupasaun militár Indonézia.

Parlamentu kriminaliza ona ba violénsia doméstika iha tinan 2010, hafoin liu tinan ida molok país ne´e adota ninia primeiru kódigu penál. "Barak mak halo ona hodi sensibiliza polísia ba lejislasaun", konsidera Cormaci, hodi haktuir katak problema ne´e tenke haree hanean fatu ida husi ema barak hodi la´o dadaun ba sistema informál husi justisa xefi lokál nian sira.

"Iha lei ida ne´ebé di´ak hodi kontra hasoru violénsia doméstika, maibé ninia implementasaun mak susar tebtebes", dehan.

Timor-Leste, sai hanesan nasaun ne´ebé sei nurak hela iha mundu, sai independente husi Indonézia iha 2002 hafoin iha tinan 25 husi funu, ne´ebé mak sira sujere tinan neen husi instabilidade polítika.

Haree ba violénsia ne´ebé foin lalais ne´e mosu iha país ne´e, Nasoens Unidas sira hili ona Timor-Leste hanesan husi nasaun sia ne´ebé nia sai ona nasaun ne´ebé benefisia ajuda extra hodi atinji ODM.


29 September, 2011

Tribunál Distrital Dili hamonu pena suspensaun prizaun tinan ida ba arguidu kazu violénsia doméstikaIha loron 26 fulan Setembru 2011,

Komunikadu ImprensaPeriode: Setembru 2011Edisaun: 29 Setembru, 2011 

Tribunál Distritál Dili hala’o audiénsia julgamentu hodi lee leitura desizaun ba kazu violénsia doméstika ho Nú. prosesu 62/C.ord/TDD/2011. Kazu ne’e komete husi kondenadu Sebastião dos Santos hasoru lezada OM iha Distritu Ermera, iha loron 06, Dezembru 2009.Julgamentu ho agenda lee leitura desizaun ne’e deriji husi Juiz singular Dra. Rosa Brandão (Juiza Internasional), husi parte Minístériu Públiku reprezenta husi Dra. Remizia de Fatima da Silva no husi parte defeza, reprezenta husi Dr. Denis Lacerda (Defensoria Públiku Internasionál), husi Eskritoriu Defensoria Públika. Diretór JSMP Luis de Oliveira Sampaio haktuir katak” mesmu pena ne’ebé mak hamonu ba arguidu seidauk adekuadu, maibé JSMP espera katak pena ne`ebé kondenadu hetan pelumenus bele eduka kondenadu hodi labele repete tan ninia hahalok ne`e iha futuru nomós sai ezemplu ba komunidade seluk, hodi kumpri provizaun Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika ne`ebé defini krime violénsia doméstika hanesan aktu krime ho natureza hanesan krime públiku. Iha audiénsia lee leitura desizaun ne`ebé mak lee husi juiza Rosa Brandão, hamonu pena fulan rua prizaun, maibé suspende ba tinan ida. Tuir tribunál nia avaliasaun ba prosesu tomak konklui katak kondenadu provadu komete krime ofensas korporais simples hasoru ninia kónjuje. Tribunál mós deklara katak kazu ne`ebé mak kondenadu komete, priense rekizitus ne`ebé mak define iha artigu 145 Kódigu Penál ne`ebé dehan katak se maka ofende ema seluk nia isin ka saúde sei hetan pena prizaun too tinan 3 ka multa. Faktus provadu sira ne`ebé deskobre durante audiénsia julgamento iha tribunál hatudu katak, iha loron 06 fulan Dezembru tinan 2009, kondenadu ne’ebé mak nu’udar lezada nia kaben, haksesuk malu ho lezada tanbá osan folin husi karau ida ne`ebé sei deve hela ba lezada, tanbá ne’e kondenadu buti ninia kakorok no riba nia ba rai, tanbá hahalok ne`e lezada hetan metan iha ninia kakorok no ninia liman. Bázeia ba monitorizasaun JSMP nota katak tribunál esplika ba kondenadu katak iha Timór Léste hahalok hanesan ne`e sempre akontese tanbá iha oportunidade, no iha tinan 2010 ita iha ona Lei Kontra Violénsia Doméstika, no husu ba kondenadu atu labele komete tan krime hanesan nomós krime seluk durante tempo suspensaun. tanbá Kuandu kondenadu repete tan sei kumpri pena ne`ebé mak tribunál hamonu ona ba nia durante fulan rua iha komarka. Atu hetan informasaun kle’an, favor kontaktu: Luis de Oliveria Sampaio

Diretór ezekutivu JSMP

Email: luis@jsmp.minihub.org

Landline: +670 3323883

10 June, 2011

Angelita Pires will announce the formation of a new political party, and her candidacy for the presidency, in the Timorese capital, Dili.

THE Timorese-born Australian woman acquitted last year of conspiring to murder East Timor's President, Jose Ramos-Horta, plans to stand for his job next year.
Today Angelita Pires will announce the formation of a new political party, and her candidacy for the presidency, in the Timorese capital, Dili.

After Dr Ramos-Horta was shot and seriously wounded in Dili in 2008 he accused Ms Pires of being implicated in attacks on himself and the Prime Minister, Xanana Gusmao.

Advertisement: Story continues below At the time she was the lover of the rebel leader Alfredo Reinado, who was shot dead at Dr Ramos-Horta's presidential compound on the outskirts of Dili.

Ms Pires strenuously denied any involvement in the attacks and was acquitted of charges in the Dili District Court.

The presidential election is likely to be fiercely contested and will happen at a critical time for East Timor, before the scheduled withdrawal of United Nations personnel. Dr Ramos-Horta will be the frontrunner if he decides to stand again.

Other possible candidates include Mari Alkatiri, the leader of Fretilin, the country's largest political party, and Taur Matan Ruak, the chief of the defence forces.

Ms Pires is likely to have strong support in East Timor's western mountains, where Reinado was a heroic figure among many young people.

Trained as a lawyer, she has been living in Darwin, where she grew up, for the past 12 months.
She is married to the Darwin barrister Jon Tippett.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/world/australian-acquitted-of-plot-to-kill-wants-timors-top-job-20110609-1fv13.html#ixzz1UogfZxs6

Provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code are an obstacle for victims of domestic violence

Press Release

Period: May 2011

Edition: 01 June 2011

Between 24-26 May 2011 JSMP conducted monitoring of trials taking place at the Oecusse District Court. During the three days of court monitoring JSMP observed that hearings were slightly delayed or were not in accordance with the court schedule. However all of the cases scheduled for trial were heard by the court.

According to the court schedule, 11 cases were scheduled for trial and one of these cases had two hearings to examine witness testimony. From these 11 cases, 8 cases involved crimes or were categorized as domestic violence or violence against a spouse.

The trial of the aforementioned cases were presided over by single judge Alvaro Freitas, SH, the prosecution was represented in turn by Jacinto Babo, SH and Afonso Lopes SH, and the Public Defender’s Unit was represented by Calisto Tout, SH and in one case legal representation was provided by a lawyer from F-FSO

JSMP praises the efforts of the district court, because in just three days the court was able to use the available time to hear 12 cases, which means that four cases were heard each day. JSMP praises the district court for demonstrating its productivity to ensure that court administration is functioning effectively and therefore responding to public expectations on justice.

Whilst monitoring cases involving domestic violence, JSMP noted that the majority of victims and witnesses who were summoned by the court to provide testimony exercised their right to remain silent and refused to testify against a member of their family, pursuant to Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code.

The Executive Director of JSMP stated that although he welcomes the policy of the judges to fulfill their obligations in accordance with Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code to provide an option to the parties at the outset of the trial, however the judge or the court did not explain the implications or impact of this provision if everyone chooses to remain silent and refuses to give testimony against a defendant who has allegedly committed a crime against them.

He explained further that JSMP fully understands that the Criminal Procedure Code does not oblige the honorable judges to do so, however in reality JSMP believes that there is a need for the court to explain the i
mplications of Article 125 of Criminal Procedure Code to victims and witnesses who are summoned by the court, especially victims in cases categorized as gender based violence.
According to Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code regarding refusal to give a disposition:

1. The persons below may refuse to give a deposition as witnesses:

a). progenitors, siblings, descendants, relatives up to the second degree, adopters, adoptees, and the spouse of the defendant, spouse is a party:

b). a person who has been married to the defendant or who cohabits, or has cohabited, with the latter in a relationship similar to that of spouses, in relation to facts that have occurred during marriage or cohabitation.

2. The authority competent to take the deposition shall, under penalty of nullity, advise the persons referred to in sub article 125.1 that they are allowed to refuse to give a deposition.

JSMP agrees that the court has the responsibility of announcing Article 125 before the trial begins, because otherwise the trial can be declared null and void, however JSMP encourages the honorable judges of the court to consider the current reality and explain the effects of the article to victims and witnesses so that justice can prevail. In addition, the court must also consider Article 118 of the Criminal Procedure Code on the general provisions that relate to victim testimony to establish the truth in cases that have been submitted to the judicial authorities.

Previously, in December 2009, JSMP and Fokupers launched a report on the provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code as part of the “16 day campaign to end violence against women.”

JSMP has noted on several occasions whilst conducting court monitoring that in the nearly all cases involving domestic violence the victim is the sole witness. Therefore, if the parties choose to remain silent or refuse to give testimony, how can the court reveal the facts and obtain sufficient evidence to uphold justice in the interests of the victim?

JSMP believes that most victims choose to remain silent or not to give testimony to the court, not because they have a clear understanding of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code, but because psychologically they have been placed in a difficult position of testifying against a family member who has committed violence against them, or they can choose to remain silent. The provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code place witnesses in a very difficult position.

During the aforementioned three days of observation the Oecusse District Court conducted hearings in 11 cases involving ordinary crimes. 8 of these cases related to domestic violence, and 4 of these were cases involving women as the perpetrators of domestic violence. This shows the public that it is not always men who commit domestic violence, but women also have the capacity to do so. This also means that Law No. 7/2010 Against Domestic Violence which came into force in July 2010 is not only intended to punish men, but this law will also be applied against any person who commits domestic violence against a member of their family, including female perpetrators

JSMP hopes that in the future the courts can learn from these experiences and will try to interpret the provisions of Article 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code in a context that prioritizes the interests of justice rather than being bound by rules that have the potential to promote injustice for vulnerable groups in society.

For more information, please contact:

Luis de Oliveira Sampaio

Executive Director of JSMP

Email: luis@jsmp.minihub.org

Telephone: 3323883/7295795

23 May, 2011

Treinamento ba Grupu Mane Kontra Violensia ba dala II halao iha Suku Bobokase

Mane hamutuk 25 simu treinamentu husi CFEO kona ba Mane Hamenus Violensia Kontra Feto
Diskusaun sai buras liu tan wainhira tama iha eksplora ideas oinsa maneja hirus ba mane

Fasilitadores assisti grupu kiik halo diskusaun oinsa resolve attitude Violensia ba Mane