Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse
Servi ba Feto Oecusse, Servi ba Feto Timor

24 August, 2009

Violencia Kontra Feto VS Privatizasaun Suspeitu

Vtima Feto ida Kestiona, ninia Kazu Abandonado depois Tinan 5 Halao Relasaun Seksual Ilegal ba Vice Presidente Parlamento Nasional . Vitima Feto ida ne’ebe iha ninia karta ba Vice Presidente Parlamento Nasional, Shra, Maria Paixao ne’ebe kaer kargu mos nudar Grupu Mulheres Parlamentu Nasional ( Data la refere iha karta ne’e ) hatoo nia sentimentu husu antensaun ba Grupu Mulheres Parlamentar atu tau matan ba ninia kazu abandonado hafoin tinan lima halao relasaun seksual subar ho “ Presente Membrus Counselho de Ministru iha Governu AMP nian “.

Liu husi ninia karta ne’ebe hakerek mos ba ( cc : red ) Primeiru Ministru no Sekretaria Estadu Promosaun Iqualidade ne’e, Vitima ne’ebe idade la identifika ne’e konta momos ninia istoria oinsa nia hahu halo relasaun seksual iha tinan lima liu ba no oinsa nia ikus mai hetan abandonado husi Mr X ne’ebe nia refere.

Mr.X ne’ebe nia refere, oras ne’e dadauk kaer kargu boot ida iha governu AMP nia laran hanesan membrus mos husi Counselho de Ministro.

Parlamentu Nasional ne’ebe simu tiha karta ne’e, hato kedas ninia reaksaun ne’ebe husu ba media Sira liu-liu blogspots sira ne’ebe publiku assuntu ne’e atu respeita Mr.X ninia privatizasaun.

Exemplu ida mak Presidente Parlamentu Nasional fo sai kedas ba media iha dia 20 de Augusto katak, media sira tuir los la publiku assuntu privatizasaun ema nian iha internet tamba laiha respeita ba ema nia direitu privadu.

Media ne’ebe hetan aksesu liu tan ba karta ne’e konsege Publiku Karta Vitima ne’e iha tahan 4 ba internet halo assuntu ne’e la sai ona privatizasaun maibe publiku.

Vitima ne’e iha nia karta rekere ba Grupus Feto no Parlamentu nasional atu tau matan ba kazu abandonado ne’ebe tuir nia viola ona nia direitu hanesan feto.

Vitima ne’e rasik husu atu kazu hanesan ne’e tengki elimina atu nune labele akontese tan ba Feto vulnerable seluk ne’ebe sempre monu lalais ba tentasaun atu sai hanesan feen kiik ou mos mane uza deit atu halimar depois husik hela seim responsavel.

Publiku oras nee dadauk hein hela reaksaun husi Parlamentu nasional laos tamba kazu hanesan ne’e foin mak akontese, maibe tamba Kazu nee involve membrus Counselho Ministro ida ne’ebe publiku hatene tuir lolos labele komete kazu hanesan ne’e.

Ba kazu kompletu bele hare karta nee iha linha internet blog TATOLI nian edisaun 20- agustu 2009.

Saida mak ita bele ajuda?
Ita bele SMS ou manda MMS ba numeru telf 7230029 husu atu bele responsabel ba kestaun ne’e seim kria polemika ba Vitima tan.

Ita mos bele print karta ba Parlamentu ne’e hodi fo lisaun ba Feto maluk seluk atu bele mos hatoo sira nia keisa .

Ikus liu, fo nafatin ba koalker Vitima Feto se deit mak iha ita nia esperensia hetan violasaun hanesan atu koalia sai, keta nonok no hakbesik ba Grupu Feto sira hodi hetan tulun, liu-liu wainhira involve krime ona hanesan halo abortu no violasaun seksual.

13 August, 2009


Agustus 2009

Iha loron 29 fulan Julhu 2009, Tribunal Distrital Oecusse hala’o julgamentu ba kazu abuzu seksual ne’ebe akontese iha loron 15 Jullu 2001. Iha estimasaun katak kazu ne’e pendente durante tinan 8 nia laran. Prosesu julgamentu derize husi juiz koletivu mak hanesan: juiz João Felgar, no akompañadu husi juiz nain rua seluk hanesan juiz João Ribeiro no Juiz Antonio Helder do Carmo. Prokurador ne’ebe mak reprezenta lezada mak, Procurador Hipolito Exposto no arguido rasik akompañadu husi Sebastião Amado de Almeida husi Defensoria Publika. Julgamentu ne’e aprezenta lezada ho inisial LK no arguido ho inisial JA nomos testamunha nain tolu.

Iha prosesu julgamentu ne’e, juiz esplika ba arguido kona ba direitu ne’ebe mak arguidu iha, liu-liu direitu atu nonok (la fo deklarasaun ba tribunal) bazeia ba artigu 60 (c) Kodigo Prosessu Penal Timor Leste aplikavel.

Iha parte seluk, iha materia akuzasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku ne’ebe lê husi juiz, Ministeriu Publiku akuza arguido kontra artigu 289 Kodigo Penal Indonesia kona ba krime abuzu seksual. Atu reforsa akuzasaun, iha prosesu julgamentu ne’e, Ministeriu Publiku mos aprezenta testamunha nain tolu, ida husi testamunha nain tolu ne’e, lezada nia aman rasik, maibe nia labele fo nia depoimentu tamba nia matan aat no tilun diuk, desde momentu akontesementu nomos durante iha prosesu julgamentu nia laran.

Lingua ne’ebe mak uza iha prosesu julgamentu nia laran mak lian ofisial Portugues no Tetum, maibe iha julgamentu ida ne’e uza mos lian lokal, tamba testamunha no lezada hatene deit koalia lian Baiqueno no tradus fali ba lian ofisial husi tradutor ne’ebe fornese husi tribunal.

Bazeia ba observasaun JSMP nain nota katak prosesu ba kazu ne’e lao neneik no kleur liu, tamba ne’e mak depoimentu ne’ebe aprezenta husi lezada la tuir ona realidade ne’ebe mak akontese no la forte hanesan uluk, tamba lezada, no testemunha no arguido sira la hanoin ona ho diak kronologia husi kazu ne’e.

JSMP kompriende katak atraza husi prosesu kazu ida ne’e tamba limitasaun no insufisiente husi autor judisiariu hodi hala`o knar judisiariu, maibe JSMP mos hanoin katak situasaun ida ne’e mos influensia husi situasaun uluk ne’ebe, autor judisiariu la hela metin iha Tribunal Distrital Oecusse. JSMP konvensidu katak, situasaun ida ne’e kontrariu ho prinsipiu prosesu justisa lalais, tuir artigu 9 versikulu (3,4,5) Kodigo Prosesso Penal Timor Leste no artigu 14 versikulu 3, (c) Konvensaun Direitu Sivil no Politika, relasiona ho direitu atu hetan julgamentu la-hó suspensaun nebe’e mak la merese (tanpa penundaan tidak semestinya). Ho nune’e, JSMP espera katak situasaun ne’ebe mak haktuir iha leten, laos sai hanesan obstaklu atu atraza prosesu kazu ruma. Tamba situasaun ne’e lori influensia ba esforsu atu deskobre faktus no asegura evidensia (provas) nebe mak apropriadu ba prosesu justisa krimanal ida nian. Tanba ne’e, maske konsidera realidade ba limitasun autor judisiariu, JSMP nafatin konsistente ho provizoins lei no rekomenda atu kazu ne’ebe mak rejista iha Tribunal Distrital Oecusse ou iha area jurisdisaun tribunal sira seluk bele prosesa lalais bazeia ba prinsipiu julgamentu ne’ebe “justu, baratu no lalais (labele prosesa to tempu naruk).

Tamba JSMP kompriende katak, wainhira kazu ida, nia prosesu kleur no prosesa durante tinan barak, sei halo sosiedade nebe’e mak la kompriende lei, liu-liu ba lezada nomos arguido sente katak prosesu justisa formal la fo vantazen nebe diak ba justisa ne’ebe mak sira buka, tamba tribunal la efetivu no la optimal hodi halao nia knar ho diak. Situasaun ida ne’e mos sei fo influensia maka’as ba prosesu partisipasaun komunidade nian hodi dezenvolve sistema lei ne’ebe mak bazeia ba interese povu nian rasik.

Julgamentu ba kazu ida ne’e sei kontinua iha loron 10 fulan agostu 2009 atu rona akordaun husi tribunal.

Atu hetan informasaun klaru, kontaktu:
Luis de Oliveira Sampaio
Diretur Eksekutivu JSMP
Email: luis@jsmp.minihub.org
Landline: 3323883

06 August, 2009


Experts of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women today recognized the recent legislative and policy efforts of Timor-Leste to improve the lot of women in the Southeast Asian island nation’s traditional patriarchal society, but expressed concern over continuing discriminatory practices in schools, the workplace and family life.

Presenting Timor-Leste’s initial periodic report on compliance with the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women, Idelta Maria Rodrigues, Secretary of State for Promotion and Equality, said a male-dominated culture and years of conflict had hindered women’s livelihood and well-being. But since gaining independence in 2002, the Government, with the support of the United Nations and development partners, had worked hard to promote women’s rights and empowerment.

Following ratification of the women’s Convention and its Optional Protocol in 2003, Timor-Leste’s Government had created a Penal Code with a gender perspective and provisions that criminalized domestic violence. It had also set up gender focal points in Government Ministries, launched gender awareness campaigns in the national media, and signed a pact with civil society and religious organizations to develop gender-sensitive budgeting and a health policy, as well as partnerships for resource and knowledge sharing on gender equality.

Article 17 of the Constitution guaranteed full equality between the sexes in all spheres of life, she said. Moreover, slated for approval this year by the Council of Ministers was a draft law establishing equal land and property rights for men and women, as well as a bill to prevent domestic violence, protect victims and guarantee their legal rights through strong regulation and support centres.

While lauding those efforts, Committee experts expressed concern over low school enrolment and graduation rates among girls, particularly pregnant teens, as well as sexual harassment and intimidation by male teachers. Girls, they said, needed a comfortable environment to learn and must be free from societal pressure to quit their studies if they got pregnant. They asked why divorced women were expected to return to their parents’ home.

Some experts were worried that women on average earned just one eighth of men’s pay and were often denied maternity leave or not allowed to return to work after taking leave, even though the law guaranteed those rights. They encouraged Timor-Leste to ratify the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) conventions on equal pay, treatment and opportunity in the workplace. Others felt that not enough was being done to protect girls and women from violence, prostitution and trafficking, as well as from forced labour.

Assuring the Committee that it was trying its hardest to fulfil its obligations and provide the necessary information, the delegation said that while Timor-Leste was a young country, it intended to include all its citizens equally in building its future. To the series of questions about children and education, the delegation said it took time to change the age-old mentality condoning corporal punishment. Work was under way meanwhile by the Secretary of State for the Promotion of Equality and the Education Ministry to end sexual harassment and violence against girls, particularly in remote areas, which had led many parents to remove their daughters from school.

The delegation confirmed that child labour was banned, and in June, the Government had ratified International Labour Organization Convention No. 182 on eliminating the worst forms. Also, it had prepared a memorandum of understanding with the National University on information sharing and assistance to students interested in gender studies. The Government had also launched intensive training programmes on gender issues for professors.
To additional concerns about practices in the workplace, Ms. Rodrigues said women public servants had the right to take maternity leave and resume their positions without penalty, but the situation was uneven in other employment fields and had to be improved through awareness-raising and other measures. The Government was working to educate women on how they could file complaints of sexual harassment that occurred on the job.

Regarding domestic violence, the draft law on that would definitely pass soon in the Council of Ministers, and possibly by year’s end in the Parliament. The national police had been trained to assist victims in the rural areas, and shelters had been set up in Dili, the capital, and in three other districts. A study on trafficking and immigration of prostitutes would soon be conducted.
The Committee will meet again at 10 a.m., on Friday, 31 July, to consider the combined initial to sixth periodic report of Liberia.

For more information on the Timor Leste Presentation Report released by the OHCHR please refer to this link http://www.un.org/News/Press/docs/2009/wom1747.doc.htm