Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse
Servi ba Feto Oecusse, Servi ba Feto Timor

12 December, 2010

Seminario Regional : Sosializasaun Lei Kontra Violensia Domestika –LKVD Realija iha Distrito Oecusse Husi Ekipa Servisu ba Kampanha Loron 16 Ativismu Kontra Violensia Hasoru Feto

Spanduk Iha Suku Suni Ufe
 Suniufe , Suku ida entre lima iha Sub Distrito Nitibe , Dadersan iha dia 8 Desembru nakonu ho komunidade feto mane nebee mai atu halibur hamutuk hodi partisipa iha atifidade komemorasaun ba loron 16 Ativismu Kontra Violensia hasoru Feto. Hare ba dadersan nee nakonu ho joven feto, mane, ferik katuas, tantu labarik I autoridades local sira nadodon mai halibur iha fatin seremonia nian. Kuaje besik ema atus rua resin maka sai hanesan partisipantes direta ba atifiades Seminariu refere.

Iha sorin seluk, ekipa Servisu nebe mai husi sentru capital Oecusse kompostu husi ;
Organizasaun membrus grupu Servisu Proteksaun nian inklui ba organizadora iha loron nee iha Organizasaun Feto hanesan Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oecusse ( FEEO ) no Sentru Feto Enclave Oecusse ( CFEO).

Atifidades loron nee hodi intrudes ba parte tomak inklui komunidade no autoridade lokal sira kontudu Lei No.7/2010 kona ba Lei Kontra Violensia Domestika.

Seminar nebe hola fatin iha Suku Suniufe, Aldeia Oenunu nee, hetan partisipasaun husi Membrus Konseleiru suku sira tomak, komunidade suku lima nebe iha no mos Anima husi Banda Musika BROSIS.

Kontribui nudar Panelista iha atifidade seminariu nee orador nain 3 hanesan ; Yasinta Lujinha, Direktora Eksekutifas REDE FETO TIMOR LESTE, Fransisca Alves Taolin; Adcovasy Program Koordinator REDE FETO TIMOR LESTE no Atilio da Costa Koordenador Programa Caritas Australia Oecusse.

Thema prinsipal nebe koalia iha seminariu nee la ses husi LKVD rasik inklui ninia historia, kontiudu no prespektifas mane nian, nebe espesifika mente esplika detailas husi Orador mane Atilio da Costa.

Atensaun husi Partisipantes sira rona Panelista sira nia Apresentasaun
 Iha sorin seluk, sai ba Chefi Organizadora grupu Servisu ba Kampanha Loron 16 Ativismu Kontra Violensia hasoru Feto ; Merita de Jesus Marques hateten katak : Fundasaun espera bele facilita atifidades nee ho suksesu atu nune objetifu boot atu habelar informasaun basiku kona ba LKVD bele hatutan husi Panelista sira diretamente ba Komunidade feto no Mane.

Iha sorin seluk: Paulo Cobo, Chefi Suku Suniufe haforsa tan katak . Lei nee maski ladauk halo ema hotu satisfas maibe ita tengki rona didiak, atu nune ita bele implementa didiak no tau matan hamutuk ba ninia lalaok husi implementasaun hodi nune labele iha fali diskriminasaun deit ba parte balun no nee justu tamba laos hare deit ba jeneru feto maibe ba ema hotu.

Direktora CFEO. Sebastiana Pereira Bobo ; iha ninia intervensaun nudar Moderador durante prosesu seminar nia lalaok hatoo katak :

Importansia husi ita rona Panelista sira nia liafuan konaba LKVD mos mak ita hotu atu tau konsensia ba ita ida-idak nia aan rasik oinsa ita bele ajuda ema seluk atu bele implementa iha ita nia moris loron loron, hakribi violensia , ajuda vitima sira no mos fo tulun ba ema nebe persija ajuda buka hatene kona ba LKVD.

Seminariu hanesan sei halao mos husi Ekipa Servisu ba Kampanha Loron 16 Ativismu Kontra Violensia hasoru Feto sei halao iha Sub Distrito Pante Makasar hola fatin iha Salaun administrasaun Distrito Oecusse iha Loron tuir Mai, dia 9 Desembru 2010 no Taka iha Atifidades Loron Mundial Direitu Umanus iha Suku Nipani iha dia 10 Desembru 2010.

Rep. Caritas Australia, REDE FETO no Chefi Gabineti SERAO
Hamutuk ONG local no Nasional inklui Agencias nebe partisipa iha membrus Ekipa Servisu ba Kampanha Loron 16 Ativismu Kontra Violensia hasoru Feto nee maka ;

Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oecusse- FEEO, Sentru Feto Enclave Oecusse-CFEO, Youth for action and sustainable- YACTS , Fundasaun Alola Distrito Oecusse, IOM Oecusse, Provedoria de Direitus Humanus e Justisa Regiaun Oecusse, UNMIT Direitu Humanus Regiaun Oecusse no UNMIT Public Information Office Oecusse.

Kampanha Loron 16 Ativismu Kontra Violensia hasoru Feto nee bele implementa ho diak iha Distrito Oecusse tamba hetan suporta husi Assesora Primeiru Ministru ba Sosiedade Sivil atraves Sekretariadu REDE FETO TIMOR LESTE no Development and Peace –DNP no Programa Peace Building and Family Violence Prevention Program Caritas Australia Dili.

Atu hetan informasaun kompleitu kontaktu;

Sebastiana da Costa Pereira

Direktora Sentru Feto Enclave Oecusse –CFEO

Telf : + 670 7378448


Merita de Jesus Marques

Direktora Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oecusse

Telf : + 670 7246874


Paul Ribeiro

Koordenador Provedor de Direitu Humanus no Justica

Regiaun Oecusse

Telf : + 670 7230344

04 November, 2010

Membrus 25 Grupu Mane Hamenus Violensia Kontra Feto iha Suco Cunha hetan Treinamento Oinsa atu servisu ho Komunidadi Redus Violensia kontra Feto durante loron 2.

Iha loron 21 to 22 Outobru 2010 Centro Feto Enclave Oe-cusse realiza sosializasaun ba Grupu Mane target ho topiku Mane Hamenus Violensia Kontra Feto aktifidadis ida husi komponento Projeitu Peace Building And Familly violence Prevention Program ,ba komunidade sira iha Distrito Oe-cusse ne’ebe badala uluk aktifidadis nee hola fatin iha Suco Cunha ba Membrus Grupu Mane hamutuk nain 25 durante loron 2.

Sosializasaun refere sei fasilita direita husi offisiais Treinamento nain 2 nudar offisiais projeitu ba Mane Hamenus Violensia Kontra Fetoantes ne’e hetan treinamento ona iha Tinan kotuk husi Programa Peace Building and Family Violensia Prevention Program ,hanesan Antonio Casenube no Imaculada de Araujo,Nudar Staff divisaun advokasia projeitu CFEO nian .

Liu husi sosializasaun ne’e , Anastasia de Jesus da Silva Maneger Programa CFEO ,hateten katak,sosializasaun ne’e hanesan meus ida atu hatutan diak no klean liu tan konhesemento ba komunidade hodi hapara violensia ne’ebe feto no labarik feto sira hasoru iha uma laran no komunidade nia le’et ,liu-liu iha suco laran . Programa ne’e nia objectivo atu halakon diskriminasaun iha familia no hamenus violento oin-oin iha familia liu-liu inan feto sira .Hodi bele hetan sira nia direito hanesan fen ,iha familia no komunidade .

Iha parte seluk, Abiliu Asqueli nudar Chefi suco Cunha deklara katak “ ,liu husi sosializasaun ne’e,nia espera katak nia komunidade sira bele iha transformasaun barak liu tan konaba violentu ne’ebe sai hanesan problema ,no nia komunidade mos bele iha hanoin hodi hamenus violensia iha suco laran liu-liu ba violensia domestika ,hodi nune’e nia komunidade bele moris hakmatek no feliz.

Nune’e mos Carrolino Marquis .staff CARITAS Australia Dili, wainhira, partisipa iha abertura aktividadis durante loron 2 ne’e hateten katak, liu husi aktividadis sosializasaun ne’e bele ajuda proteze no promobe komunidade ba hamenus violensia ne’ebe inan feto no labarik feto sira hasoru ,tan violensia domestika agora hanesan violensia krime (violensia Publiku).Nia mos haktuir katak Caritas Australia Dili hanesan Organizasaun nebe promove no proteje direitu ema vulnerable liu hanesan feto sei kuntinua suporta aktifidadis no inisiatifa hanesan nee tuir strategia nebe klaru atu hamenus duni violensia hasoru husi feto no labarik feto tamba nee importansia husi partisipasaun mane mak sai hanesan savi ba hakotu siklu violensia.No mos komunidade bele moris ho respeita malu e dignidade nudar umana iha vida moris loro-loron nian .

Benefisiariu direta ba aktividadis ne’e mai husi membrus grupu Mane Hamenus Violensia kontra feto husi suco Cunha iha sub distrito Pante Makassar nian hamutuk 25 pessoas kompostu husi feto 3 no mane 22.Partisipa mos iha sosializasaun loron 2 nee membrus balun husi NGOs ne’ebe iha relasaun servisu hanesan iha area advokasia nian mak hanesan ,NGO Fundasaun Esperansa Enclave Oe-cusse (FEEO),Forum Peduli Wanita Oe-cusse (FPWO),I O M, PDHJ no Fundasaun Fatu Sinai Oe-cusse (FFSO).

Atu hatene informasaun klaru liu tan bele kontaktu

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva

Manager Programa

Telf +679 7780445

Sekretariadu Palaban, Rua Kiu Maria

Ka email ita nia sugestaun direta ba iha diresaun elektronika tuir mai nee


21 September, 2010

CFEO Halao aktifidadis Treinamento Lideransa, Politika no Transformasaun Komunidadi ba Membrus Konseleiru Eleitu Feto Mane iha Distrito Oecusse

Iha loron Tersa Feira, Salaun Igreja Tuan Aldeia Oesono Suco Costa hare ba nakonu ho membrus konseleiru suku feto no mane mai husi suku 18 iha teritoria Oecusse tomak, Feto no mane hirak nee mesak membrus konseleiru suku eleitu nebe atu tuir formasaun durante loron 4 husi aktifidadis parte ida ba programa Hametin Funsaun Feto sira nian iha Eleisaun Suku no Harii nasaun hafoin konflitu pakote boot ida husi fundus UNIFEM no UNDEF nebe eksekuta husi REDE FETO TIMOR LESTE no implementa husi Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse.

Fransisco Bano, Adjunto Administrador Distrito Oecusse nebe marka ninia prejensa lori Diresaun Administrasaun Local hateten katak " Governu supporta tebes apoiu husi ONG lokal sira hanesan CFEO tamba liu husi sira nia aktifidadis hanesan treinamento sira nee bele hakbiit diak liu tan kapasidadi feto no mane membrus konseleiru suku sira hodi desenvolve diak liu tan sira nia suku.

Nune mos ho lia menon nebe hatoo husi Direktora CFEO, Sebastiana Pereira iha okazisaun ba abertura nee katak" aktifidadis treinamento ba dala ida nee hanesan kuntinuasaun husi treinamento nebe hahu halao iha tinan 2009 antes eleisaun suku ba Feto potensial sira no mos ba membrus kandidata hafoin hetan registu iha STAE no ikus mai realiza duni treinamento ba membrus konseleiru suku eleitu sira iha hafoin besik tinan ida depois halao sira nia funsaun hanesan membrus konseleiru suku.

Evelin Iman, nebe Representa REDE FETO TIMOR LESTE iha ninia lia menon ba partisipantes nebe hamutuk nain 54 nee reafirma importansia husi membrus konseleiru suku ida-idak iha tinan hirak durasaun kaer knaar nee atu aumenta ba bebeik buka matenek no hasae kapasidadi liu husi partisipa iha treinamento sira nebe fornese husi NGO sira liu-liu hanesan CFEO atu nune bele sai pessoa nebe efetifu diak liu tan ho di servi ba povu.

Tuir planu treinamentu Lideransa politika no transformasaun komunidadi nee sei remata iha loron Sesta feira dia 24 ho kompleta hamutuk formasaun ba treinamento nee module 4 kompostu husi Pessoa nebe efetifu, Lideransa nebe responsifu ba generu, Transformasuan lideransa no managementu projeitu ba lideransa suku inklui orsamento responsifu ba generu.

Kuntinuasaun husi Treinamento nebe hetan suporta finanseiru husi UNIFEM no UNDEF nee iha planu sei halo follow up ba kapasidadi membrus konseleiru liu-liu feto iha managementu no fo kapasitasaun spesifiku iha are refere basea ba nesesidadis nebe hetan.

Hamutuk iha treinamento nee, membrus konseleiru suku kompostu husi Chefi de Suku hamutuk nain 18 nebe mane no 36 Konseleiru Feto representa husi Feto Boot ida kada suku no Joven Feto kada suku.

Ba Informasaun klaru liu tan bele kontaku
Imaculada Hanjam Soriano
Project Officer

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

15 September, 2010

Konseleiru Suku nain 16 iha Sub Distrito Pasabe hetan Sosializasaun sobre Observasaun Konkluzaun CEDAW

CFEO halao aktividade sosializasaun kona ba observasaun konklusaun CEDAW iha nivel Sub Distritu iha Distritu Oecusse data 23 ate 25 de Augusto 2010 iha Sub Distritu Passabe kompostu husi suku rua  hanesan Abani no Malelat.

Alende husi sosializasaun nee partisipantes husi membru konseleiru husi Suku rua nebe maka hanesan Chefe aldeia, Representante feto boot nain rua no joventude mane ho feto.Total partisipantes 16 pessoas kompostu husi Mane nain 11 no Feto nain 5.

Iha okazisaun ba abertura iha loron primeiru hahu Sosializasaun nee Loke no assisti husi deputy Administrador Sub Distritu Passabe, Shr.Graciano Fuca .Iha nia Diskursu Fuca hatete katak: "Ita nudar Lideransa Komunidade persija hatene buat barak inklui Informanasun nebe mak Importante hanesan CEDAW.Tamba iha Timor Leste Akontese Diskriminasaun barak los,Nee duni ita nia nasaun nee persija hamenus Diskriminasaun Liu husi Artigu-artigu Cedaw no Implementa dadauk ba Ita nia moris Lor-loron.
Ita tenki badinas rona Imformasaun nomos habelar Informasaun nebe ita rona ba Komunidade.

Alexu Seco nudar Shefi Aldeia Passabe mos Informa katak:Husi Diskriminasaun bele hamosu konflik boot,nee duni ami Fo agradece ba Staff CFEO sira nebe mak mai fahe Informasaun nee ba ami,atu ami bele aplika no Implementa iha ami nia Komunidade hodi hamenus Diskriminasaun.

Sub Distrito Pasabe geografikamente iha Suku 2 ho ninia  total aldeia hamutuk haat hanesan Pasabe, Haemnanu, Naetuna no Malelat.Total membrus Konseleiru Suku iha Sub Distrito nee iha deit 19 no liu husi esforsu CFEO konsege fasilita sosializasaun ba membrus konseleiru hamutuk nain 16 ou besik 84%.

Objektifu husi Sosializasaun nee mos inklui iha loron ba dala tolu nian fasilita lideransa komunitaria nain 16 nee atu  praktika diretamente informasaun hirak nebe hetan durante loron permeiru no sigundu.


15 August, 2010

Centro Feto Lansa CFEO Facebook

Inisiu fulan Augusto 2010, remarka tinan 9 operasaun husi Organizasaun CFEO nian, ho biban ne'e informasaun fahe liu husi meius oin oin ba komunidadi tantu nudar benefisiarius no mos parseirus habelar liu husi meius oin oin.

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva hateten iha loron Publikasaun ba Publiku tomak wainhira kriasaun CENTRO FETO ENCLAVE OECUSSE FACEBOOK ho kontente katak
Centro hanesan pontes informasaun ba liur ajuda rai ketan ida nee habelar ninia informasaun alende iha ona Blogspot nebe organiza husi pessoa treinadu sira iha media no social nian se la too wainhira seidauk habelar diak liu tan ba iha Facebook, no diak liu tan kuandu bele mos oja Skype no Twitter.

Estabelesementu kriasaun ida nee atu hare liu ba oinsa CFEO bele halo meios komunikasaun baratu, fahe informasaun no istuda husi mudansa sosial no transfornasaun nian ba komunidadi liu liu feto iha rai ketan Oecusse

Iha nia dada lia ba Blog spot nee Manager Programa nee hatoo ninia agradesementu ba parte tomak nebe suporta ona CFEO liu husi sira nia aseitasaun ba sai Lista Belun CFEO nian

Atu hatene informasaun klaru liu tan visita ami nia facebook iha linha nee  http://www.facebook.com/home.php?

03 August, 2010

UBSP Grupu Feto BOBOLOA Fahe Osan Funan Tinan Fiskal 2009-2010

Grupu Feto BOBOLOA , Aldeia Bihala Suco Bobocase durante ne’e konhesidu hanesan grupu feto permeiru produs sanan rai no buat oin-oin husi fila liman uja rai mean ka tanah liat ba produtu local furak ne’ebe distribui ona ba ninia konsumidores iha Oecusse rasik no mos nivel nasional.

Grupu BOBOLOA ne’ebe kompostu husi Feto 20 ne’e organiza aan depois hetan treinamentu rai osan no fila liman ba nivel uma kain no grupu husi Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse iha tinan 2007 liu husi programa Jaringan Perempuan Usaha Kecil –JKPUK projeitu Usaha Bersama Simpan Pinjam nian( UBSP)

Iha remata fulan Julhu 2010, iha loron 26,Chefi Grupu ne’e , Domingas Colo hare fasilita no lidera hela membrus grupu tomak atu hasoru malu ba fulan ikus nian tinan fiscal 2009-2010 atu fahe osan resin negosiu grupu nian liu husi UBSP.

Hahu Junhu 2009 to Julhu 2010 grupu BOBOLOA rai no poupa osan husi fa’an produtu lokal membrus nian ba grupu laran, osan funan ne’e entre 10% to 20% tamba membrus ne’ebe barak no sempre hetan resultadu diak iha merkadu, grupu ne’e konsege rai osan nato’on ba grupu nian hodi fila ba rai no haburas osan.

Imaculada Hanjam Soriano, Team leader Advokasia husi Centro Feto Nian Hateten : iha ne’e ita hare iha ligasaun entre programa Advokasia liga ba lideransa feto sira nian iha grupu laran, ami koko atu integra programa lideransa ba feto sira liu husi saida maka eksisti iha sira nia sistema rasik, liu husi grupu ne’e ami mos fo kapasitasaun ba sira oinsa atu bele sai lideransa ba gurpu kiik uluk iha sira nia leet, hahu husi tinan 2007 grupu ne’e konsege ona produce kada tinan struktura differente ba maluk feto iha grupu ne’e nia laran.

Sistema lideransa ne’e hili diretamente husi membrus sira liu husi Votasaun, kampanya durante minutu 15 antes no halo kandidataan atu nune kada membrus iha opportunidadi hanesan atu tuur iha struktura grupu laran hanesan sai Chefi grupu, Finanseiru s no mos Sekretaria. Sistema ne’e to agora tinan 3 ona hetan progressu positifu no liu husi UBSP ne’e mos fo falor ba lideransa grupu ou Pengurus sira bele hetan sira nia insentivu husi SHU ne’ebe iha ho montante 10%.

Alende ne’e tuir Domingas Colo, nudar Chefi grupu BOBOLOA sira hare katak UBSP halo sira metin liu tan iha reuniaun kada fulan, ida ne’e dalan diak liu atu kesi metin liu tan sira nia membrus sira, iha kada fulan sira determina ona data 26 hanesan data reuniaun mensal nian, membrus hotu tengki mai hamutuk iha chefi grupu nia uma hodi hare progressu sa deit maka akontese iha grupu laran inklui hatoo sira nia reklamasaun, halibur osan membrus mensal nian no fo sai osan impresta ba membrus sira ne’ebe persija.

No ida ne’e foin lalais ne’e hamutuk ba dala ikus iha tinan 2009-2010 nian tamba ne’e membrus hotu husu atu sura sira nia osan funan tinan nian, no grupu ne’e konsege hetan to montante USD $ 1280.00.

Husi ne’e 10% hasai ba selu pengurus sira, no resin husi ne’e hasai tan 10% ba modal foun no nia resin fahe ba membrus sira tuir funan ne’ebe sira iha durante tinan ida nian no seluk fahe total hanesan osan kolen.

Encontru ne’ebe lidera husi Chefi Grupu Feto BOBOLOA ne’e mos ikus taka ho mudansa ba prosesu kandidatura foun ba struktura Chefi, Sekreataria no Finanseiru nian ho assistensia husi Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse.

Antes remata encontru ne’e hetan resultadu tuir ekspektasaun membrus nian atu halo mudansa ba struktura tinan foun 2010-2011 nian no taka buku UBSP tinan 2009-2010.

Grupu ne’e offisialmente loke UBSP foun ba tinan 2010-2011 iha Fulan Oin Mai data 26 Augustu 2010.

Ba informasaun Klaru Liu tan kontaktu

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva

Manager Programa Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

Telf : + 670 7780445

Email : centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

Ou bele mos visita ami nia blogspot iha


29 July, 2010

Centro Feto Lansa Kooperatifa “TAIS FETO BITIMO”

Sigunda Dader 25 Julhu 2010, iha Officina iha Palaban,Kiu Maria, Centro Feto halao hela Lansamentu ba harii Kooperatifa foun ho naran TAIS FETO BITIMO

Ideas nebe mai husi lisaun durante tinan ida sai ligador ba Grupu Feto Faan Tais sira nebe namkari iha Distrito Oecusse nee oras nee bele attende ona ho sistema nebe diak liu husi hari no estabelese centro ba Kooperatifa TAIS FETO BITIMO nee

Marta Lafu, Kaben husi Yakobus Alefit, feto ida husi Aldeia Baqui sai hanesan Chefi ba ligasaun grupu nian hodi rekolha Tais mai husi grupu Feto inklui individual nian hodi halibur hamutuk iha Kooperatifa nee.

Kooperatifa TAIS FETO BITIMO nee mayoria produc husi Grupu feto sira nebe mos hetan suporta husi Centro Feto liu husi treinamentu fila liman, suporta mos ho material hanesan kabas no treinamentu ba aksesu ba merkadu nian

Oras nee dadauk modelu hodi rekolha simu tais sei simu liu husi grupu hirak nebe mai rai no faan tais iha Kooperatifa nee

Tuir Manager Programa Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse nian Anastasia da Silva katak : Tais Feto Oecusse nian konheseidu ona iha nivel Nasional no Regional inklui mos international, durante tinan 4 ona Centro Feto mos halo ligasaun diak ho Vendor lokal no nasional inklui individu balun nebe sempre hakarak atu husu no sosa Tais Oecusse, tamba iha nia falor nebe uniku, Tais Oecusse nee sempre sai order numeru permeiru husi Dili, exemplu balun, order hirak nebe durante nee husu barak liu mai husi Fundasaun Alola nudar NGO nasional ida nebe maka suporta sustentavel ekonomia grupu feto sira iha Oecusse.

Hatutan tan mos husi Manager CFEO nee katak
Grupu hirak nebe oras nee organiza aan hari kooperatifa nee bele hetan treinamentu diak liu tan oinsa atu aksesu ba merkadu hanesan hanoin atu liga sira ho PDT liu husi programa BUY LOCAL AND BUILD TIMOR LESTE, alende nee mos liu husi fasilita Partisipasaun grupu nee iha Festival Kultura nebe kada tinan-tinan sei halao iha Distrito no nasional bele mos sai dalan ida nebe diak liu atu promove tais Feto Oecusse.

CFEO oferese tempu diak ba publiku tomak no sidadaun Oecusse tomak atu bele hola parte iha lansamentu kooperatifa TAIS FETO BITIMO nee hodi fahe infromasaun ba falorizasaun tais feto Oecusse nian I nakloke mos ba publiku atu simu order husi nebe deit.

Antes atu taka lansamentu nee, Marta Lafu, Inan husi oan nain 4 nudar Chefi grupu Kooperatifa nee hateten, nia sente urgulhu tebes tamba iha ona meius diak ida atu hare ba oin oinsa feto sria bele halibur hamutuk sira nia produtu nebe sai hanesan aset boot liu ba sira nia uma kain.

Populasaun Oecusse nebe mayoria agrikultur hare ba Tais hanesan aset permeiru atu faan wainhira konsidera krisi orsamentu iha uma laran mosu, maski nune Feto sira hare katak mayoria Mane sempre domina iha faan animal hanesan Karau ou fahi no feto hanoin liu atu halo sira nia tais no faan fali hodi sustenta sira nia uma laran.

Folin tais kiik no boot ba feto no mane iha kooperatifa nee kuantitatifas entre USD $ 5.00- $ 100.00

Ba informasaun klaru liu tan kontaktu

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva

Manager Programa CFEO

Telf : + 670 7780445

Email : centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

Ou bele mos visita ami nia blogspot iha


Membrus Konseleiru eleitu feto no mane nain 33 husi Suku 3 iha Sub Distrito Oesilo hetan konhesementu kona ba CEDAW

Sede Juventude Suco Usitacae iha Sub Distrito Oesilo iha loron dadersan dia 19 Julhu 2010,hare ba lahanesan babain, feto no Mane sira husi membrus konseleiru Suku tolu hola parte iha Sub Distrito nee halibur hamutuk iha Sede nee hodi hahu Sosializasaun kona ba Konvensaun Hapara Formas Diskriminasaun Hotu kontra Feto ka CEDAW nebe fasilita husi Centro Feto enclave Oecusse.

Suku 3 parte ba Sub Distrito nee maka hanesan Suku Bobometo, Suku Usitaqueno no Suku Usitasae rasik. Iha total iha Feto Eleitu nain 9 no mane hamutuk nain 24 maka partisipa iha sorumutuk durante loron 3 nee.

Socializasaun nee halao ho objektifu atu rona no fahe informasaun basiku kona ba rekomendasaun husi Relatoriu inisiu CEDAW ba dala uluk nian ba autoridadi lokal sira iha nivel sub dsitrito.

Imaculada Hanjam Soriano nudar Project team leader ba CFEO nian konfesa katak Sorumutu nebe organiza husi NGO LOKAL BIFANO nee hetan antusiasmu makaas husi membrus konseleiru suku sira husi suku 3 iha Oesilo no identifika duni problemas prinsipal sira nebe feto hasoru hanesan diskriminasaun.

Centro Feto tengki servisu hamutuk diak liu tan ho parseiru hanesan NGO lokal sira iha nivel sub distrito hodi bele haforsa liu tan kapasidadi membrus konseleiru suku eleitu sira kona ba CEDAW.

Iha parte seluk, Horacio Mala Colo nudar project officer BIFANO nian hateten katak nia organizasaun kontente tebes bele servisu hamutuk ho NGO feto hanesan Centro Feto hodi habelar informasaun kona ba CEDAW to nivel sub distrito liu-liu ba membrus konseleiru suku sira atu sira mos bele hatene diak liu tan oinsa bele hare ba assuntu diskriminasaun hasoru husi feto maluk sira laos tengki feto deit maibe hare mos husi mane sira.

Lia nain Usitacae Cancio Ulan waihira husu nia hanoin ba sorumutu durante loron 3 nee konfesa katak, iha tersiru dia wainhira sira ba halo dada lia ho ninia komunidadi iha aldeia Buqui mayoria feto no mane prokupa liu maka ho issue Trafiku Feto, barak liu oras nee Feto no labarik feto sira sai vitima ba trafiku feto liu-liu tamba Sub Distrito nee iha deit linha fronteira entre Oecusse no Timor Osidental.

Hatutan tan husi Cancio Ulan , maski nune feto no labarik feto sira sidauk hetan proteksaun diak husi suku laran atu bele iha sistema oinsa bele halo registu ba se deit maka sai husi sukularan inklui ba buka servisu iha dili kada fulan tamba liu husi meius hanesan nee bele hetan informasaun klaru kona ba feto suku sira involve no sai vitima duni ba trafiku humanu ka lae.

Sorumutu loron 3 nebe remata iha Kuarta dia 21 nee taka ho foti konkluzaun atu hare ba aksaun hirak nebe identifika ona husi kada konseleiru suku hodi bele sai hanesan rekomendasaun ba ninia suku hodi implementa.

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse halao aktifidadis ida nee hola parte husi projecktu Harii kapasidadi, lideransa no ekoragem uja CEDAW ka bolu CEDAW BELE nebe hetan tulun husi East Timor Justice Support Service Facilty –ETJSSF parte husi program Suporta ba Justice entre Australian Aid-AUSAID ho Ministeriu Justica Timor Leste –MoJ iha Distrito Oecusse.

Ba informasaun klaru liu tan kontaktu

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva

Manager Programa CFEO

Telf : + 670 7780445

Email : centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

Ou bele mos visita ami nia blogspot iha


08 July, 2010

CFEO kongratula Shra. Maria Helena Lopes de Jesus Pires nudar membrus Komisariu CEDAW 2010-2012

CFEO kongratula Shra. Maria Helena Lopes de Jesus Pires nudar membrus Komisariu Eleitu Foun ba Komisaun Eliminasaun Formas Diskriminasaun Hotu Kontra Feto iha Nova Yorke ba Peridu servisu 2010-2012.

CFEO hasai estetmentu ida ne’e hanesan reaksaun ba nomeasaun husi Komisariu CEDAW sira nian iha foin lalais fulan Junhu dia 28 2010 ne’ebe konsege Eleitu Membrus Komisariu CEDAW hamutuk nain 12 inklui Shra, Maria Helena Lopes de Jesus Pires.

Tuir Sebastiana da Costa Pereira, Direktora CFEO, Shra Milena Pires ( naran Badak ) ne’ebe konhesidu ona iha Nivel Regional no international ho ninia lideransa ne’ebe responsifu makaas ba governansia liu-liu iha generu, hatutan tan mos husi Direktora Eksekutifu Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse ne’e , Shra. Milena Pires ninia Esperensia nudar Assesor ba Vice Permeiru Ministru ne’ebe e oras ne’e hanesan nia kargu ikus hare liu ba implementasaun husi observasaun konklusaun CEDAW nian basea ba relatoriu inisiu Estadu Timor Leste nian iha 2009 hodi nune Shra. Milena Pires rasik sai nain duni ba Lalaok implementasaun CEDAW iha ninia estadu no rain rasik, Timor Leste

Alendie Shra Milena Pires husi Timor Leste hamutuk mos iha komisariu nain 12 seluk kompostu husi nasaun membrus partes ba Nasaun Unidas hanesan Turkey, Paraquay, Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Japaun, Bangladesh,Slovenia, Mauritius, Switzerland no Croatia. Komisariu nain 12 ne’e sei iha tempu kada fulan 6 atu halo plenaria hodi hare no verifika relatoriu estadu kada nasaun membrus CEDAW nian hodi rekomeda progressu tuir observasaun konklusaun ba kada periudu. Timor Leste tuir planu sei relata ninia progressu desenvolvementu implementasaun CEDAW basea ba Observasaun Konklusaun ba dala rua tuir mai iha tinan 2012.

Atu hare informasuan klaru liu tan kona ba prosesu eleisaun no lista komisariua nian husi CEDAW bele hare iha linha website ida ne’e  http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/elections2010.htm

Ikus liu, nudar Organizasaun Feto ne’ebe Konsentra iha Rai Ketan Enclave, CFEO fiar katak Lideransa estadu tomak inklui ninia representante ambassador husi Timor Leste ba iha Nasaun Unidas sei supporta shra. Milena Pires atu hahu ninia kargu foun nudar komisariu CEDAW nian iha durante tinan 2010 ate 2012.

Ba informasaun klean liu tan kona ba Shra Milena Pires bele hare iha linha website ida ne’e tp://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/docs/memberscv/pires.pdf

Atu hetan informasaun kle’an favor kontaktu:

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva

Manager Program


Telf : +670 7780148

Email : centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

06 June, 2010

Aktifidadis Sosializasaun Observasaun Konkluzaun CEDAW Hahu Halao ba dala Uluk iha Sub Distrito Pante Makassar, Oecusse

Iha loron 26 to 28 Maiu 2010, Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse (CFEO), realiza Sosializasaun ba Projeitu Building Empowerment Leadership and Engagement Project Using CEDAW ( BELE UZA CEDAW ) ba membru Konseleiru Suku sira iha Distrito Oecusse hola fatin iha Hotel Lifau durante loron 3.

Projeitu Sosializasaun refere sei fasilita direita husi Offisiais Treinamentu sira ne’ebé antes ne’e hetan treinu ona hanesan Antonio Casenube no Imaculada de Araujo nudar staff Divisaun Advokasia projeitu nian.

Manager Programa CFEO Anastasia de Jesus da Silva , hateten katak, Sosializasaun ne’e nu’udar meius ida atu hasa’e no hametin membru konseleiru Suku atu inteerpreta diak liu Konvensaun atu Elimina formas Diskriminasaun Hotu Kontra Feto no ninia Observasaun Konkluzaun hodi nune bele uza no aplika iha sira nia funsaun hanesan lideransa komunitaria atu difini diak liu tan oinsa halakon formas diskriminasaun hotu kontra feto no integra ida iha programa desenvolvementu suku nian ba feto no mane.

Programa ne’e sei suporta diak liu tan lideransa lokais sira iha suku laran atu difini no identifika lalaok sira ne’ebe konsidera hanesan diskriminasaun hasoru husi feto sira hodi bele integra iha planu desenvolvementu komunidadi.

Jorge da Costa , Chefi Suku Lalisuk konfesa katak, hanesan lideransa suku ne’ebe foin eleitu, nia urgulhu bele hetan opportunidadi hanesan ne’e atu hatene diak liu tan saida mak lolos hakerek iha lei sira kona ba direitu feto nian, no mos atu bele hare oinsa nudar lideransa komunidadi bele servisu diak liu tan ho komunidadi atu halo relasaun ho NGO sira no Governu rasik hodi implementa sira nia ideas.

Nune’e mos Antonio Casenube, nudar treinador ne’ebe prepara module sosializasaun ne’e haktuir katak, CFEO konsiente katak sei iha frakeja balun ne’ebe persija mos atu hare liu husi lisaun ne’ebe iha aktifidadis sosializasaun ba dala uluk iha sub Distrito Pante Makassar ida ne’e, hanesan lingua ne’ebe difikulta atu interpreta observasaun konkluzaun CEDAW nian rasik.

Maski nune, tuir Fransisco Bano , Adjunto Administrador Oecusse wainhira partisipa iha abertura aktifidadis durante loron 3 ne’e hateten katak:Mudansas signifikantes boot liu husi observasaun konkluzaun ba Governu iha ninia mandatu basea ba relatoriu inisiu ninian observasaun ne’e maka oras ne’e dadauk approva ona Lei Kontra Violensia Domestika iha 3 Maiu 2010.

Nia hatutan tan katak, Lideransa komunitaria sira tomak tengki hakruk ba lei hirak ne’ebe vigora ona iha ita nia nasaun atu nune bele implementa didiak programa governu nian atu hametin direitu sidadania ba feto no mane hanesan.

Benefisiariu direta ba aktifidadis ne’e mai husi membrus konseleiru suku husi suku 8 iha sub distrito Pante Makassar nian hamutuk 59 pessoas inklui feto 20 mane 39 no Paralegal husi kada suku ne’ebe membrus ba Fundasaun fatu sinai Oecusse. No ONG sira seluk.

Aktifidadis ne’e remata iha loron Sesta 28 Maiu 2010 hola fatin iha Salaun Sorumutu Hotel Lifau.

Atu hetan informasaun kompleitu bele kontaktu :

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva

Manager Programa CFEO

Telf : + 670 7780445

Email : centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

Ou Bele mos visitas ami nia blogspot iha :

15 May, 2010

Projeitu Foun CFEO ba CEDAW BELE, Lansa iha Oecusse husi Provedor Direitu Humanus no Justica

Projeitu Foun iha Tinan Fiskal 2010-2011 ba Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse ho Titlu iha Englesh Building Empowerment Leadership and Engagementu Using CEDAW ou CEDAW BELE, Officialmente Lansa iha Distrito Oecusse ho Partisipasaun husi Provedor ba PDHJ no Sekretariu Estadu Regiaun Oecusse.

Iha Okazisaun ne’e, Sebastiana Pereira nudar Direktora CFEO, agradese tebes ba partisipasaun husi Provedor PDHJ no Sekretariu Estadu Regiaun Oecusse nebe hatudu ona komitmentu boot atu supporta lalaok husi implementasaun projeitu refere iha Distrito Oecusse.

Projeitu nee, Tulun husi East Timor Justice Servisu Support Facility –ETJSSF programa bilateral ida entre Governu Australiano no Governu TL liu husi Ministeiru Justica.

« PDHJ hanesan Orgaun Independe maski iha Ministeiru Justica nia okos sei apoiu ba Programa NGO sira nebe hare liu ba monitorizasaun no implementasaun husi Governu liu-liu diskriminasaun hasoru Feto sira « hateten Provedor PDHJ . Dr. Sebastiao Dias Ximenes iha Nia Lia fuan ba Abertura ne’e.
Nune’e mos husi S.E Regiaun Oecusse, Jorge Da Conceicao Teme hateten katak « Hau urgulhu ho inisiatifa Lokal sira hanesan ne’e liu-liu husi NGO Feto sira atu nune’e bele haforsa tan Orgaun tomak nia kontribuisaun ba implementasaun CEDAW no ninia Observasaun Konkluzaun iha ita nia Regiaun ».

Lansamentu ba Projeitu ne’e, simboliku mente loke ho Koa KEK ho TITLU CEDAW BELE no hetan partisipasaun maksimu husi entidadis tomak inklui parseiru lokal sira ONG nian, no Departementus hirak iha Ministeiru Justica nia okos.

Alende maski la iha Partisipasaun husi ETJSSF ninia representantes maibe CFEO sira katak Apoiu tomak ba Sociedadi Sivil inklui ba CFEO sei hetan supporta makaas nafatin ate remata projeitu Refere.
Lansamentu ne’e hetan antusiasmu tomak husi NGO lokais no nasional sira hotu, representante Autoridadi lokal sira no Membrus Governu Lokal tomak.

Lansamentu ne’e halao iha Oecusse, Hola Fatin iha Aula CFEO nian iha Loron Kuarta, 12 Maiu 2010. Lansamentu hahu iha Oras Tuku 5. Lorokraik no Remata lolos iha roas tuku 8.00 Kalan.

Atu hetan informasaun kle'an kontaktu:

Anastasia de Jesus da Silva

Manager Programa CFEO

Diresaun e-mail: centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

Telf : + 670 7609986

Se ita boot preciza informasaun tan, ita bele haree iha ami nia Blogspot ne’e http://oecusseenclave.blogspot.com

23 April, 2010

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse Building Empowerment Leadership and Engagement Using CEDAW as New Project in 2010 is Signed

This is an investment from East Timor Justice Support Service Facility, ETJSSF an AUSAID program support to Timor-Leste, trough Civil Society. The Program has approved the CFEO financing Request of a new, 12 Month of $ 43. 461thousand to support to the Socialization of the Concluding Observation of it First CEDAW State Report on 2009 in the whole Oecusse district.

The project entitled Building Empowerment Leadership and Engagement Project using CEDAW or BELE CEDAW will be implemented by Centro Feto in partnership with CEDAW Working Group Timor Leste trough REDE FE TO.
CFEO's Signed the project at ETJSSF Office on 25 March 2010 to formally start the project, the project will mainly focusing on training to the new elected suco councils compose from female and male on the importance of local leader’s rules on implementation of the CEDAW STATE Report Concluding Observation
Merita de Jesus Marques, Members of Trusted Committee highlighted the importance of the CEDAW Concluding Observation dissemination although the Oecusse Region will only cover the 1 out of 13 district in Timor Leste. The new Elected Suco Leaders and those Leader of NGO in the region should be benefit from this project, She added.

The project will target the new elected suco councils, leaders of NGO, youth, and women groups living in for different sub district in Oecusse Region. The Training and Socialization team will be tasked to develop a Module base on the Initial CEDAW State Report Concluding Observation to be translated into a local view and local action toward the implementation of the rules of Civil society Engagement in monitoring the implementation of CEDAW in Timor Leste

For More information please contact the office at Oecusse at 7609986 or sending email to centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com

11 February, 2010

Statement by the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women on its relationship with non-governmental organizations

1. The Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (hereinafter "the Committee") considers that its close cooperation with non-governmental organisations (NGOs)

1 working on women’s human rights is essential for the promotion and implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (hereinafter "the Convention") and its Optional Protocol.

2. The purpose of this statement is to clarify and strengthen the Committee’s relationship with NGOs and to enhance the role of NGOs in the implementation of the Convention by States parties at the national level.

3. NGOs play a strategically important role and contribute to the Committee’s activities before and during the monitoring procedures of the Convention and its Optional Protocol and often have a catalytic role in enhancing implementation of the Convention at the national level. Since 1988, NGOs have submitted alternative/shadow reports for the Committee’s consideration of State party reports. The sixth Meeting of Chairpersons of Human Rights Treaty Bodies in 1995 stressed the central function of NGOs to provide reliable information necessary for the conduct of activities of the treaty bodies. As a result of these developments, the Committee included in its Rules of Procedures as revised in 2001 Rule 47 on NGOs which stipulates: that "

Representatives of non-governmental organizations may be invited by the Committee to make oral or written statements and to provide information or documentation relevant to the Committee’s activities under the Convention to meetings of the Committee or to its pre—sessional working group."

Implementation of the Convention

4. Whenever appropriate and feasible, it is desirable that governments involve NGOs in various aspects of the promotion and implementation of the Convention, General Recommendations, the Committee’s views under the Optional protocol and the Committee’s concluding observations. This should in no way compromise the legal obligation of the State party to be solely accountable for the implementation of the Convention. The Committee recommends that the State party encourage and, to the extent possible, provide sustained funding to NGOs in their activities relating to the promotion and monitoring of the implementation of the Convention, its Optional Protocol and the Committee’s concluding observations. This would enable their participation in the constructive dialogue with the Committee.

Role of NGOs in the CEDAW reporting process

5. The Committee, through its rules of procedure and its practice of informal meetings with NGOs, has created a space for NGOs to play a constructive role in the reporting process and review by the Committee of the State party’s compliance with its obligations under the Convention.

6. Taking note of the fact that consideration of the States parties’ reports by the Committee is based on a constructive dialogue with States parties, the Committee considers it necessary that this dialogue is based on information received not only by State parties, UN entities and National Human Rights Institutions, but also from NGOs to ensure a constructive dialogue.

7. NGOs are encouraged to provide alternative or shadow reports on States parties’ reports relating to the implementation of some or all the provisions of the Convention or specific themes focusing on gaps in implementation of the Convention or the Committee’s concluding observations. NGOs may provide comments and suggestions to the State party’s reports in any way they see fit.

Consultation and inputs into the State party report

8. The Committee recommends that States parties consult NGOs when they prepare the State report and make this report available to all sectors of civil society. The State party is encouraged to invite NGOs to provide their input. This does not imply that NGOs take over the writing of the report or undertake a joint reporting with the State party. At all times the report has to be the report of the State party. Furthermore, the role played by NGOs in providing information for the report of the State party should not exclude the possibility of submitting an alternative/shadow report. The Committee often raises questions with States parties, asking whether NGOs have been consulted in the writing of the report and whether there has been collaboration and transparency in the reporting process.

Submission of alternative/shadow reports and presentation of oral information to the Committee’s Pre-sessional working group

9. The Committee stresses that it is highly desirable that alternative/shadow reports of NGOs be received in a timely manner for consideration by the Committee’s pre sessional working group (PSWG). It also welcomes participation of NGOs at the PSWG meeting for oral presentations and clarifications with regard to the information provided with the aim of preparing the List of Issues and Questions, composed of some 30 questions. It is particularly valuable to have NGO input at this early stage of the reporting process.

Alternative/shadow reports and presentation of oral information at the meetings of the Committee

10. The Committee welcomes written alternative/shadow NGOs reports submitted to the Committee, NGOs oral presentations to the Committee during the session and NGOs presence during the examination of the State party by the Committee as observers. In the past few years, the practice of the Committee has been to

provide a time slot for its public informal meeting with NGOs in its agenda on the first day of the first and second week of each session. During these informal meetings, NGOs make oral presentations of their written reports and respond to additional questions by Committee members. There are additional opportunities for NGOs to provide detailed alternative information to the Committee during informal lunch hour briefings (side-events); these briefings are usually held the day ahead of a review of a State party report.2

Alternative/shadow reports under the Committee’s Follow-up procedure

11. The Committee adopted a follow-up procedure to its concluding observations at its forty-first session and decided on its methodology at its forty-fifth session, whereby a State party is requested to submit information within one or two years on action taken to implement the recommendations selected under the follow up procedure. Usually two recommendations are selected for the procedure. NGOs are encouraged to submit alternative information for the attention of the Committee by the same deadline as the State party. All information received under this procedure is made available on the Committee’s website.


Alternative/shadow reports to exceptional reports

12. Whenever the Committee requests an exceptional report in line with Article 18 (1) (b) of the Convention and its Rules of Procedure, NGOs are encouraged to submit alternative/shadow reports on situations warranting such exceptional reports.

Inputs to the elaboration and use of the Committee’s General recommendations

13. The Committee encourages NGOs to provide inputs on general recommendations under elaboration and to make use of the Committee’s general recommendations in its advocacy efforts.

Utilization of the Convention and the procedures under its Optional Protocol

14. An NGO may provide assistance to alleged individual victims or groups of victims of human rights violations under the Convention by submitting communications to the Committee under its communications procedure on behalf of such individuals or groups of individuals. NGOs may also, in appropriate situations, provide reliable information on grave or systematic violations of women‘s human rights in relation to the mandate of the Committee to conduct an inquiry under the Optional Protocol


Enhancing global reach

15. The Committee welcomes input from national and international NGOs and notes that due to logistical and financial constraints it is not always feasible for NGOs to attend the Committee’s sessions in Geneva or New York. The Committee, therefore, welcomes the use of new technology for enhanced representations from all regions during its sessions, such as videoconference links and webcasting.

16. The Committee welcomes enhanced outreach and awareness of the Convention and its Optional Protocol, its concluding observations, general recommendations, views and decisions and recognizes the important role of the NGOs in this process. It further encourages NGOs and other stakeholders to contribute to the process of translation of the Committee documents into local languages, with the aim of enhancing the outreach and awareness of the Convention and its Optional Protocol.



1 For the purpose of this statement, the broad term NGOs also includes representatives of civil society, trade unions, women’s grassroots organizations and others. The term is non-exclusive and does not limit itself to NGOs that have been accredited by ECOSOC.

2 For details of the procedures to follow, kindly refer to the NGO note for each session, available on the website.

3 For detailed information about the follow-up procedure, please see the website http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/cedaw/followup.htm

4 Please find specific information about how to submit individual complaints under the Optional Protocol to CEDAW in its [Fact Sheet] adopted at its 44th session, [available at…]


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