This is an investment from East Timor Justice Support Service Facility, ETJSSF an AUSAID program support to Timor-Leste, trough Civil Society. The Program has approved the CFEO financing Request of a new, 12 Month of $ 43. 461thousand to support to the Socialization of the Concluding Observation of it First CEDAW State Report on 2009 in the whole Oecusse district.
The project entitled Building Empowerment Leadership and Engagement Project using CEDAW or BELE CEDAW will be implemented by Centro Feto in partnership with CEDAW Working Group Timor Leste trough REDE FE TO.
CFEO's Signed the project at ETJSSF Office on 25 March 2010 to formally start the project, the project will mainly focusing on training to the new elected suco councils compose from female and male on the importance of local leader’s rules on implementation of the CEDAW STATE Report Concluding Observation
Merita de Jesus Marques, Members of Trusted Committee highlighted the importance of the CEDAW Concluding Observation dissemination although the Oecusse Region will only cover the 1 out of 13 district in Timor Leste. The new Elected Suco Leaders and those Leader of NGO in the region should be benefit from this project, She added.
The project will target the new elected suco councils, leaders of NGO, youth, and women groups living in for different sub district in Oecusse Region. The Training and Socialization team will be tasked to develop a Module base on the Initial CEDAW State Report Concluding Observation to be translated into a local view and local action toward the implementation of the rules of Civil society Engagement in monitoring the implementation of CEDAW in Timor Leste
For More information please contact the office at Oecusse at 7609986 or sending email to