Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse

Centro Feto Enclave Oecusse
Servi ba Feto Oecusse, Servi ba Feto Timor

22 March, 2009

Armanda and Balbina seek for equal treatment

Armanda Suni and Balbina Lafu, were both complaints on their hopeless for seeking the truth on when they can receive both their subsidies from the Government.

They both intend to receive a number of amounts from Government subsidy related to veterans subsidies.

Today is the last chance, they have been told by the BNU Oecusse Managers, that their account number was there but without any money? Where should they go now?

CFEO helping Armanda and Balbina, and may other veterans women’s who still unsure and unclear on why there is no money has been transferred yet to their account number.

Armanda and Balbina told us, they has spent all the coins they have from the market day before to pay for the transport from their home to comedown to Oecusse town and they felt hopeless as there is no such a clear information and where to find it.

Do you want to ask the District Administrator why women’s like Armanda and Balbina is threatened differently? Just call now at + 670 7240066

CFEO has written a letter to Oecusse District Administration seeking for help. Please help CFEO provide more information to other women’s in Oecusse by send a SMS or text messages to the DA.

15 March, 2009

Governu Oe-cusse supporta Partisipasaun Feto iha Eleisaun Lokal 2009

Oe-cusse — Koordenagor Geral Gabineti Sekretariu Estadu Rejiao Autonomia Oe-cusse,Cristovao Tolo officialmente Lansa “ Mai ho Ami supporta Feto iha Eleisaun Suku 2009 iha Distrito Oe-cusse “ liu husi seremonia lansamentu ne’ebe halao iha Salaun Konferensia Sekretario Estadu Rejiao Oecuse, iha 6 Marsu 2009. Shr. Cristovao ne’ebe lori Sekretariu Estadu Rejiao Oe-cusse nia naran emphasia komitmentu Governu lokal Oe-cusse nian hodi supporta partisipasaun feto iha eleisaun suku 2009.

Distinguis participantes seluk ne’ebe hamutuk ho koordenador geral SERAO iha assina lansamentu inklui Pontus Fokais Generu ba Distritu Oe-cusse, shra.Imaculada Pereira. Chefi Divisaun Kultura Rejiao Oe-cusse. Shra. Julieta da costa no directora Centro Feto Enclave Oe-cusse shra. Sebastiana pereira.

Lansamentu ne’e mos attende husi membrus sociedadi sivil, agencia Nasoens Unidas, officiais governu, lideres partidus politikus sira, no organisasoens feto nian.

Sebastiana pereira, Diretora CFEO, sai sasin ba ceremonia assinatura ne’e appresia supporta husi governo lokal iha Oe-cusse ba projeitu ne’e.“ Mai ho Ami supporta Feto iha Eleisaun Suku 2009 iha Distrito Oe-cusse “ maka thema ba lansamentu projeitu Haforsa Funsaun Feto sira nian iha Timor Leste Hafoin Konflitu Rekonstrusaun no Hari’i Nasaun ne’ebe objetifu atu hametin partisipasaun parte tomak inklui sociedadi sivil hodi supporta ba partisipasaun feto iha eleisaun suku 2009” hateten shra. Sebastiana pereira. ”Se ita hare ba partes tomak, uniku kultura mak sei sai fatores ne’ebe limita partisipasaun feto no sekarik ita la muda ida ne’e kedas hahu eleisaun suku 2009, ita mos se laiha politika governo ne’ebe responsivu ba generu iha formasaun desentralijasaun oin mai.”

Seremonia lansamentu ne’e sei hahu atifidadis hirak ne’ebe planea tiha ona husi Centro Feto enclave Oe-cusse hodi hametin liu tan partisipasaun feto iha eleisaun suku 2009. CFEO liu husi projeitu ne’e espera bele hasae 25% partisipasaun feto iha eleisaun suku 2009 kompara ho eleisaun suku 2004 no se tulun eleitor sira iha komunika diak ho sira nia representantes iha nivel lokal depois eleisaun suku.

Cristovao Tolo, Koordenador Geral Gabineti SERAO, hateten, lansamentu ne’e atu foti atensaun mos ba partes tomak inklui parseirus hotu iha distrito Oe-cusse atu supporta ba projeitu ne’e. Liu-liu ba mane sira atu asegura katak politika, lei, no kultura se favorese feto sira hodi bele partisipa equalmente ho mane sira.ho ida ne’e deit mak ita bele kria sociedade ne’ebe iha relasaun generu ne’ebe egual.

Projeitu Haforsa Funsaun Feto sira nian iha Timor Leste Hafoin Konflitu Rekonstrusaun no Hari’i Nasaun maka projeitu ne’ebe implementa husi CFEO Iha distrito Oe-cusse hamutuk ho REDE FETO nasional no hetan supporta husi UNIFEM no UNDEF durante tinan 2 nia laran. Alende iha distrito Oe-cusse, projeitu ne’e mos kobre distrito 3 seluk no koopera ho membrus rede feto iha distrito hanesan Lautem implementa husi GFFTL, Viqueque implementa husi PAS no Ermera implementa husi Sta. Bahkita.

Ba informasaun klaru liu tan bele kontaktu Shra.Noemia Sequeira. Project Officer CFEO iha
centrofeto_enclaveoecusse@yahoo.com ou Maria Evelyn Iman iha redefeto@yahoo.com.